tunnel lover
Went here last weekend with bubble head and had a good day out originaly we were going to go to jm miller in wolverhampton but stumbled across this little beauty well whats left.
i got quite snap happy and got about 150 pics after deleting any crap ones
,so il just post a few i think lol
hope you all enjoy
after we had been in the site for a good couple of hours this bloke apeared and went for a little walkies
we looked in his office on our way round and thought that looks new he must of bin on the loo or sumin when we looked in
this was a slightly shit ya pants moment when it collapsed underneath bubble head and this was about 3 floors up!!!!!!!!
i got quite snap happy and got about 150 pics after deleting any crap ones
hope you all enjoy

after we had been in the site for a good couple of hours this bloke apeared and went for a little walkies
this was a slightly shit ya pants moment when it collapsed underneath bubble head and this was about 3 floors up!!!!!!!!