Visited with Siologen and Alias.
As always, I'm late with the report because I thought my pictures were rubbish but it turns out, they aren't actually that bad so here goes! The date is an approximation as well because who remembers what they did yesterday, let alone a couple of weeks ago?
This was on the first of a few of trips we've taken into "toon" to visit Mr. Westminster and hopefully many more will ensue coz London has tons to offer and the company is always good. I don't know a lot about this place I don't know about....or how we got there...or who I was with.
Here's the photos
As always, I'm late with the report because I thought my pictures were rubbish but it turns out, they aren't actually that bad so here goes! The date is an approximation as well because who remembers what they did yesterday, let alone a couple of weeks ago?
This was on the first of a few of trips we've taken into "toon" to visit Mr. Westminster and hopefully many more will ensue coz London has tons to offer and the company is always good. I don't know a lot about this place I don't know about....or how we got there...or who I was with.
Here's the photos