Hi all 
Durhams Palladium Cinema opened in March 1929, and was the City"s second Cinema. Although built to accommodate Theatre performances this never really happened due to the layout of the stage & seating arrangements in two tiers.The Palladium was the first in the City granted the honour of being allowed to open on a Sunday for an evening performance.
It was damaged by fire in January 1934 but reopened by March the same year & was again renovated in 1967. Due to increase competition by newer & larger Cinemas audiences dropped off dramatically for it to cease trading as a Cinema by 1976 and then continued it"s new life as a Bingo Hall up to 1982 when it gained a new lease of life as a Church, and stayed this way until it"s final closure in 2004.
Going off old reports the old girl is not faring well, with associated damage by Vandals/Chavs/Metal fairies/ Water damage & a bit of Arson too boot. Recent reports suggest imminent development of the building & it"s neighbours.
Visited with Will Knot & a masked non Member
( good to meet up as always Will mate & for ??? & Will to do the local Taxi run after we met up in the early AM
this was explore No2 on our mini North East excursion after being dramatically warned off our original target by Urbexers off another site we bumped into in as we exited explore No1
Nothing dramatic about it except it"s a bit of a "Death Trap" in certain places as per usual, just it"s always more dramatic in the pitch black when the floor fails under you
A little awkward to light paint correctly (especially when there"s another Lenser repeatedly shining in your face, like it"s tied to a giant jumping bean on speed
or should i say hard due to the various levels of dark colours and reflective surfaces, but hopefully they"ve come out ok ?
Can"t beat having an 850 lumen Lenser
Again no HDR sorry for the amount, but it seems to be the norm these days
Pity about the Watermarks on "Dark" pics
sure it"ll annoy someone 

Durhams Palladium Cinema opened in March 1929, and was the City"s second Cinema. Although built to accommodate Theatre performances this never really happened due to the layout of the stage & seating arrangements in two tiers.The Palladium was the first in the City granted the honour of being allowed to open on a Sunday for an evening performance.
It was damaged by fire in January 1934 but reopened by March the same year & was again renovated in 1967. Due to increase competition by newer & larger Cinemas audiences dropped off dramatically for it to cease trading as a Cinema by 1976 and then continued it"s new life as a Bingo Hall up to 1982 when it gained a new lease of life as a Church, and stayed this way until it"s final closure in 2004.
Going off old reports the old girl is not faring well, with associated damage by Vandals/Chavs/Metal fairies/ Water damage & a bit of Arson too boot. Recent reports suggest imminent development of the building & it"s neighbours.
Visited with Will Knot & a masked non Member

Nothing dramatic about it except it"s a bit of a "Death Trap" in certain places as per usual, just it"s always more dramatic in the pitch black when the floor fails under you

A little awkward to light paint correctly (especially when there"s another Lenser repeatedly shining in your face, like it"s tied to a giant jumping bean on speed

Can"t beat having an 850 lumen Lenser

Again no HDR sorry for the amount, but it seems to be the norm these days

Pity about the Watermarks on "Dark" pics