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Any recommendations for a powerful hand held torch?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sup guys/girls

As mentioned, I'm looking to get myself a good powerful hand held torch for a fair price. I don't really fancy spending hundreds on one. Any recommendations are appreciated!



Camera Drowner
Regular User
Everyone will say a p7.2 which is a solid choice IMO, but personally if you want very powerful, the best for the £££ I've found is a 18650 powered Convoy/Thorfire C8s. 900 lumens and throws a beam very far. Easily twice as bright as my lenser M7. The only downside is because it's fixed beam and has a small very bright hotspot, its not the greatest for light painting.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I use the Nitecore EA8 caveman which takes 8 AA (rechargeable) batteries. 900 lumens and a beam distance of 490m. I've had mine for over a year now and it's been a good solid torch and great for light painting. There'll definitely be better torches out there but I've had no issues lighting up tunnels etc.

More info-


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Everyone will say a p7.2 which is a solid choice IMO, but personally if you want very powerful, the best for the £££ I've found is a 18650 powered Convoy/Thorfire C8s. 900 lumens and throws a beam very far. Easily twice as bright as my lenser M7. The only downside is because it's fixed beam and has a small very bright hotspot, its not the greatest for light painting.
Yeah ive seen a few people mention the p7.2.. I will mainly be using it for underground, so as long as its got some fair distance on it then im happy. Ill have to check out a few video of it online. Cheers mate


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I use the Nitecore EA8 caveman which takes 8 AA (rechargeable) batteries. 900 lumens and a beam distance of 490m. I've had mine for over a year now and it's been a good solid torch and great for light painting. There'll definitely be better torches out there but I've had no issues lighting up tunnels etc.

More info-
Appreciate the link mate. 900 lumens or more defiantly seems to be the best way to go. Ill check this torch out online cheers


Maglite size T-rex, It's time for urbex!
28DL Full Member
A couple of guys that I explore with have Lenser P7r's and they're very happy with them, bit on the expensive side at about £80 but they do seem very good. The P7.2 is pretty much your standard explorers torch but not that bright IMO, its not really enough for lighting up large underground locations, mines, etc... Fine for everything else though, and reliable

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
I swear by Lensers, its not just the lumens its the colour of the light they produce. If you want to light up large caverns you cant go wrong with one of these though.

At least 4 times brighter than a lenser, will quite happily light up Cathedral in Box and only costs £19.

Most places I go underground I don't have to set my exposure much over 5 seconds and even then I tend to have to reduce the brightness in post.


living in a cold world
Regular User
Don't underestimate how much of an expense and a faff 18650 batteries are.


Camera Drowner
Regular User
Ehh, In the long run I don't think they are any more expensive than buying lots of AAA batteries.


Maglite size T-rex, It's time for urbex!
28DL Full Member
Don't underestimate how much of an expense and a faff 18650 batteries are.

They're not that expensive really, I think mine were something like £5 a piece, which is comparable to a set of rechargable AA/AAAs. Not mega high capacity but they still last a fair bit longer than those fake ultrafire 18650s

Ehh, In the long run I don't think they are any more expensive than buying lots of AAA batteries.
Agreed, plus fidding around changing them every hour or so gets old :rolleyes: I learnt that with my T7M


Camera Drowner
Regular User
I have like 10 of them and just have a mass charging session every few months or so. Depends how much you use your torches though...


See a sticker, remove a sticker
28DL Full Member
i built my own, involve a 100w floodlight led chip, look up diy sunblaster on youtube! If you or anyone else lives in the uk i'm happy to build another!


Maglite size T-rex, It's time for urbex!
28DL Full Member
i built my own, involve a 100w floodlight led chip, look up diy sunblaster on youtube! If you or anyone else lives in the uk i'm happy to build another!

Haha, I built one of those into an old mess tin and powered it with a sealed lead acid battery.... I took it down box mine and I really wished I hadn't.... such a nightmare with a bag on my back, camera & tripod, and carrying that thing.


See a sticker, remove a sticker
28DL Full Member
Haha, I built one of those into an old mess tin and powered it with a sealed lead acid battery.... I took it down box mine and I really wished I hadn't.... such a nightmare with a bag on my back, camera & tripod, and carrying that thing.
I use lipo's from my drone... God forbid lead acids should be kept in your car and nowhere else


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Chinese shit can work well..trustfire thorfire whatever they want to call them they are all ok if you but decent battery's and a decent charger and not the shite they provide you..P7r's are decent if you can grab a few spare battery's so you dont get caught out..or just get a p7.2 its more than enough torch