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Report - - Robert Fletcher & Sons, Greenfield, April 2021 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Robert Fletcher & Sons, Greenfield, April 2021


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Nicely covered and really well shot. Might have been done loads of times but it’s still one of the best U.K. explores in my opinion.
Thanks a lot, still bits to do which someone else will soon cover.
It certainly Is one of those which will take a long time to get boring, like Shoreham Cement and CMH for example.

Urban exp

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I wouldnt recommend going here anymore it's got 24 hour security and police dogs train regularly on here I got caught on here by police and security had my details taken and was threatened with prosecution if I ever return also the police dogs are very aggressive so if you run it will bite you lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I wouldnt recommend going here anymore it's got 24 hour security and police dogs train regularly on here I got caught on here by police and security had my details taken and was threatened with prosecution if I ever return also the police dogs are very aggressive so if you run it will bite you lol

That was just an empty threat, they can't prosecute you..

They've had the security for ages though. I spent over an hour walking around in the open before I bumped into them, and I was still able to run faster than they could..

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I wouldnt recommend going here anymore it's got 24 hour security and police dogs train regularly on here I got caught on here by police and security had my details taken and was threatened with prosecution if I ever return also the police dogs are very aggressive so if you run it will bite you lol

As above no different from normal there then.
In the words of national lampoon "bite it back "

Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
nice :thumb,was here a few weeks back managed to do a few buildings but got caught by security and a man claiming to be an off duty police officer walking his german shepard.


g00n Buster
Staff member
Sounds like the standard power tripping security bell end.

We got caught in the social club the other year and the security guard was some jumped up keen knob head who took his job way too seriously. The key holder who was with him told him to pipe down and just told us to fuck off, which we did.

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