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abandoned hospitals

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  1. AbbyMac

    Report - St Mary's Hospital, Stannington - 2014

    Hi everyone, I'm Abby, I'm very much new here so I thought I'd say hello and tell you guys a bit about myself. I've been exploring abandoned spaces for around 11 years now, it started in school with a photography project in which I decided to photograph forgotten places and I fell in love with...
  2. rjbains

    Report - Cheadle Royal Infirmary, Cheadle - June 2019

    The hospital moved from Piccadilly to Cheadle in 1849 when the Piccadilly area became too built up, noisy and unsuitable for the mentally ill and changed its name to the Manchester Royal Lunatic Asylum. By the 1930s, the Hospital was able to pioneer treatments such as occupational therapy, the...
  3. S

    Report - Cookridge Hospital IDA Ward, Leeds - Aug 2016

    Cookridge Hospital was built in 1869 in the middle of the village of Cookridge. It was previously a convalescent hospital until 2007 when all services were transferred to St James Hospital in Leeds and the hospital was then closed by the NHS. The building was designed in a Gothic vernacular...
  4. Gallow Wood

    Question - North Wales Hospital, Denbigh

    Hi all, I've been reading up a lot about Denbigh and would love to visit, and don't want to put it off for too long as I missed visiting Severalls Hospital before it was demolished! But it is a very long way for me to travel and I don't want to be disappointed. Has anyone been recently, is it...
  5. LittleOwl

    Report - Mid Wales Hospital, Talgarth - Feb 19

    So I know this one has been reported on to death and that there are far better images of the place on here than mine but I was adamant I was going to visit Talgarth. I won't bore you with repeated history. I'd heard some rumours about the dreaded security guard in a white van but thought...
  6. eddsup

    Report - Whitchurch Hospital, Cardiff - Jan 2019

    Apologies for yet another report on Whitchurch. This was my first time here and an amazing explore. This place is huge, the pictures do not do it justice or explain the scale of this place. Lots of reports recently from other people and older ones. I recommend looking at those also as it’s hard...
  7. Cariad1313

    Report - Whitchurch Hospital, Cardiff - Jan 2019

    Hi everyone! Welcome to my first report on here. history Like most Victorian asylums, Whitchurch was built to be an entirely self-contained institute with its own water tower and generators. Built in 1908, this £350,000 Cardiff asylum spans an impressive 5 acres of land and took 10 years to...
  8. R

    Report - Dunston Hill Hospital - Gateshead - Oct/Nov 2018

    The hospital had its origins in Dunston Hill House, a property which was built for John Carr in the early 18th century and which became the home of the Carr-Ellison family. It was acquired by the Ministry of Pensions which relocated a facility for war pensioners, originally located at Castle...
  9. Rebeka

    Report - Rosslynlee Hospital, Midlothian - October 2018

    History: Known originally as the Midlothian and Peebles District Asylum, it opened in 1874 to serve the landward parishes of Edinburgh and Midlothian. It became known as Rosslynlee because of its proximity to the local railway station. In 1948 it became part of the Board of Management of the...
  10. L

    Report - Dunston Hill Hospital, Gateshead - September 2018

    Had so much fun exploring this hospital! It's sad to see a building with so much potential in such a bad way!!