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liverpool merseyside

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  1. Benjy 28DL

    Report - Clarence High School, Formby - Feb 2025

    Explore - Access to the site is much more limited than before. Sadly, fire damage has destroyed parts of the main building however there’s still lots of interesting stuff to see. I’ve included photos taken by a friend of mine Rikki (@derelict_dreams5) from a previous visit in 2024 showing some...
  2. GRONK

    Report - Wellington Rooms (Irish Centre), Liverpool - July 2017

    July 2017 The Visit Explored this hidden gem with @stranton and @coolboyslim, another one from my list of forgot to post threads (possibly because of its short lived time on the tourbus). During our Merseyside expedition, we decided to pay a visit to this place and ended up spending a...
  3. FKL770

    Report - Carnatic Halls Student Housing - Mossley Hill, Merseyside - May 2022 (fixed)

    INTRODUCTION We got the train to Mosley hill (HATE NORTHEN TRAINS) and walked down towards the site, we sat on a wall for a bit pretending to be just hanging out chatting. When no cars were around I made the move and climbed over the wall with my friend. Inside the site we didn't know what to...
  4. FKL770

    Report - St Gabriel's Covent / Knolle Park Children's Home - Liverpool, Merseyside - June 2022

    INTRODUCTION This explore was totally unplanned. I was a little bored so I decided to go to strawberry fields to see what its like so I got the bus down walked down to it (on the way noticing an open construction site gate) and then realised that it pretty much isn't a thing any more it has been...
  5. FKL770

    Report - Bromborough Central Power Station - Wirral, Merseyside - 9th of May 2022.

    After not being able to find an easy entrance at the front gates of the site and due to some fella in a Mercedes having a kip at the gates i decided to get in via the Mersey. I got onto the banks of the river further down and walked my way up to the power station, clambering over sewage overflow...
  6. N

    Report - Tobacco warehouse Liverpool

    What’s left of the old tobacco warehouse in Liverpool. Cleared out all of the interesting stuff and it’s being replaced with showroom apartments. Couldn’t get around all of it as I was playing hide and seek with security on the roof