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  1. Shutterfilm35

    Report - RAF Upwood-Camebridge-September-2022

    History Royal Air Force Upwood or more simply RAF Upwood is a former Royal Air Force stationadjacent to the village of Upwood, Cambridgeshire, England, in the United Kingdom. It was a non-flying station which was under the control of the United States Air Force from 1981, and one of three RAF...
  2. Webbs0710

    Report - RAF Weston Zoyland, Bridgwater, Dec 22

    This is down the road from me, yet I've never really bothered doing a proper explore until now... was a snowy day again, much like my explore of RAF Culmhead (Here), had a soundtrack of some cars cocking about on the snow for the entire visit. It is mostly open to the public, except for the...
  3. MK83

    Report - RNAS Stretton (HMS Blackcap) - Warrington - August 23

    HMS Blackcap was originally built for the RAF during WW2 as a night fighter station to protect Liverpool but due to changes in the Luftwaffe tactics it was not required and was handed over to the Navy in 1942. Forty-one Fleet Air Arm Squadrons were based there for varying periods, some aircraft...
  4. MK83

    Report - RNAS Burscough (HMS Ringtail) Naval air base - Bursough, Lancashire - May 2021

    We’ve been going down a bit of a rabbit hole researching Lancashire wartime history since we found ROF Standish last week. So we’ve decided to try and see what else remains in the area. This place doesn’t seem to have been done in any real detail before so thought we’d try and do it justice...
  5. BravodierIII

    Report - RAF Colerne - Wiltshire - May 2018

    Well here I am, crawling out from under the rock I have resided for the past however long. What started off as a 'Man, I need a new profile picture for Facebook' turned into a nostalgia filled mini explore that made me feel like writing a report. It's funny, I grew up next to the hangars in...
  6. A

    Report - A Military Airfield, Germany

    My first real Urban Exploration was done on that airfield. This is where it all began for me and it wasn't even that long ago! The airfield opened in 1936, initially for the usage for civilian air traffic such as sport flying (if that's a word). Not only that but the area was also used for...