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nottingham railway tunnels |

nottingham railway tunnels

  1. M

    Report - Nottingham, Sherwood Rise tunnel, jan 2022

    I know this has been posted on here many times before and with better pictures but I wanted to share my experience with this tunnel, Me and a friend (Bert) went and located the hexagonal manhole cover and explored the tunnel. I was surprised at how warm it was down there and the large trash...
  2. ALW Research Team

    Video Report - Nottingham's Mapperley Tunnel

    There are many railway tunnels in the city of Nottingham, they were largely built by three railway companies in the late 1800’s. These companies were the Great Northern, Great Central and the Nottingham Suburban railways. We visited Mapperley Tunnel, completed in 1875 and at 1044 meters or 1132...