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  1. GRONK

    Report - Classic Cinema (Beacon Bingo), Loughborough - January 2024

    January 2024 The Visit I had the opportunity to explore this place alongside @stranton while we were in the vicinity visiting Birmingham's City Hospital. It was all thanks to @MotionlessMike's captivating report that we decided to check it out. Let me tell you, photos simply don't do justice to...
  2. PerryGoesPlaces


    After exploring this place with @Smiffyboi last summer. You can find his post here: We had this sudden urge to wan't to explore it again. However, the only entrance to the building had been boarded up since last Summer...
  3. PerryGoesPlaces

    Video - Odeon Cinema, Harlow - August 2018

    Having been inside this building most of last Summer with my mates, I wasn't into taking pictures and recording then but now I am I thought I would give the Cinema a revisit. My fellow exploring partner @Smiffyboi uploaded a post on here last summer which received a lot of attention and is most...
  4. D

    Report - Odeon Cinema, Dundee Lochee Stack Abandoned Interior 2018

    The Odeon in Lochee was opened way back in 1993,in Dundees Lochee Area under a Urban Regeneration program called the Stack Complex this site closed 2001 images taken 2018 vandals have entered the property and the damage can be seen in the pictures of this beautiful venue its sad to think this...