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  1. MK83

    Report - Air raid shelters for IG Farben Plant - Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland - Jan 25

    This was a mini bonus explore found by chance on a recent trip to Poland. The entrances to these are visible from a Lidl car park opposite our hotel so we had to have a look. It took some digging to find out what they were actually for when we got back. IG Farben was a large German chemical...
  2. MK83

    Report - Object 3003 Nuclear Warhead Storage Facility - Templewo, Poland - Jan 2025

    During the Cold War, the Warsaw Pact prepared for a nuclear attack on Europe, In 1960, exercises were held in conditions similar to warfare, their aim was to test methods of transporting nuclear weapons from the USSR to the territories of western Poland to the strike units. Several methods of...
  3. MK83

    Report - Soviet Garrison Cinema - Keszyca Lesna, Poland - Jan 2025

    What is now the village of Keszyca Lesna started life as a German barracks complex for the use the Wehrmacht with construction starting in 1929 with the grand opening in 1936 attended by Adolf Hitler. Over the course of the WW2 the barracks was home to an array of different regiments including...
  4. Wastelandr

    Report - Gdańsk Imperial Shipyard, Poland - July 2023

    Wasn't going to post this but people seem to enjoy seeing these shots so thought I'd make it into something. After asking the question "where we dropping boys?", I found myself on holiday with the lads last summer in Gdańsk. Like every good trip, I managed to drag them round the old Imperial...
  5. urbex-travel

    Report - The Park Of Religious Minatures and Giant Pope, Częstochowa, Poland 2021

    We saw a lot of abandoned buildings, but we have never imagined collecting them in one place. In Częstochowa, the Polish city known from the religious cult, we found an amazing park of the religious miniatures. You can find there St Peter's Basilica near Gate Of Dawn, Catacombs and Mary's House...
  6. LostPlacesForgottenFaces

    Sanatorium Zdrowie - Gdynia, Poland, Nov 19

    Abandoned Sanatorium (Hotel Zdrowie), Gdynia, Poland History ️ What was once a thriving seaside spa hotel located in Gdynia, Poland, this building has been abandoned for over ten years. It was forced to close due to the cliff it had been built on becoming unstable and thererore unsafe. Now...
  7. yernbarr

    Report - Bieżanów Locomotive Depot (Graveyard), Kraków, Poland - September 2019

    History One of the largest train graveyards on the planet, the Bieżanów Locomotive Depot in Kraków, Poland is home to hundreds of Soviet-era trains that date back to the mid 1960's when the country was still part of the Warsaw Pact. The bulk of the abandoned stock comprises EU07 electric...