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  1. Webbs0710

    Report - Aberthaw 'B' Power Station Turbine Hall, Vale of Glamorgan, Jun 24

    I'm a little bit late to the party on this one with demolition work having now begun, but I've finally managed to attempt an old school Coal Fired Power Station which I'm well pleased about! Most of the others have been razed to the ground before I've had the chance to even consider trying them...
  2. DustySensorPhotography

    Report - PowerPlant T, Italy - July 2023

    POWERPLANT T THE HISTORY: As with many European sites, the history is scarce and more limited in availability here than in most UK places, so I’ve gathered what I can! Powerplant T boasted two thermoelectric turbines powered by coal on the site of two other modern power stations. Opened in...
  3. DustySensorPhotography

    Report - Aberthaw B Power Station - December 2020

    ABERTHAW B POWER STATION THE HISTORY: As with Uskmouth, Aberthaw B was located on the south coast of Wales as a strategic location for the National Grid in order to ensure consistent power to sparsely populated Wales. Burning both coal and biomass, this power station produced 1,560 megawatts...
  4. FKL770

    Report - Bromborough Central Power Station - Wirral, Merseyside - 9th of May 2022.

    After not being able to find an easy entrance at the front gates of the site and due to some fella in a Mercedes having a kip at the gates i decided to get in via the Mersey. I got onto the banks of the river further down and walked my way up to the power station, clambering over sewage overflow...
  5. Mr Budge

    Report - Eggborough Power Station - May 2021

    Brief History A large decommissioned coal fired power station in the North of England which was capable of co-firing biomass, The station had a generating capacity of 1,960 megawatts, enough electricity to power 2 million homes. It began generating power back in 1967 making use of nearby coal...
  6. ForgottenBuildings

    Report - The steelworks of Usine Gustave Boël. - La Louviere, Belgium - Jul. 2020

    History: The history of this former steelworks dates all the way back to the middle of the 1800s. At this time a small forge in the Belgium town of La Louviere began expanding its operations. By 1900 over 1200 employees were active on the terrain. When the first world war broke out nearly all of...
  7. ForgottenBuildings

    Report - Powerplant AEG - Germany - Jun. 2020

    History: The history of this classic power station dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. At this time coal was extracted from a nearby mine. This mine quickly grew out to be quite a successful one so it was decided to expand their operations. This expansion also included a small coal powered...
  8. Mr Budge

    Report - Rugeley power station (June 2020)

    History - Construction of the A station started in 1956.The station's generating sets were commissioned between 1961 and 1962.The station was the first joint venture between the Central electricity generating board CEGB) and the National coal board (NCB). The station took coal directly from the...
  9. ForgottenBuildings

    Report - Centrale Idroelettrica - Aug. 2019

    Hi everyone! This is my first report on 28dayslater, so let me introduce myself. My name is Jessey, 18 years old and i've been a passionate explorer such early 2015. Since then i've already explored a lot of just stunning places in countries like; Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany and France. I...