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  1. GRONK

    Report - Sandcastle Day Nursery, Birmingham - November 2024

    November 2024 I visited with @MotionlessMike, there is very little information about this building available online, but I've pieced together what I can. The building is a relatively modern (post 1970s) single-storey purpose built school building of brick construction under a mix of asphalt and...
  2. ForgottenBuildings

    Report - School Of Decay - Belgium - July 2019

    History: Somewhere in a small village in one of the former mining regions of Belgium, a new rather small monastery was created. Just a couple of years later though, the function of this monastery changed into a school. This went on without any changes into the 90s, this was also the time when...
  3. LostPlacesForgottenFaces

    Report - Heaton Royds School - Bradford - March 2020

    HEATON ROYDS SCHOOL Shipley, Bradford, England March 2020 Thought I'd pop a report up for this explore as I don't think there's been one yet on here, probably for good reason. Sorry, I know the pics aren't the best. HISTORY Heaton Royds School was a primary school located between Bradford...
  4. rjbains

    Question - Primary School In Scotland | 01.07.2019 |

    I came across this abandoned primary school whilst traveling from Birkwood Castle to Hartwood Hospital on some country roads in a little village. Real quiet place with no one around to even ask about it. I have no clue as to what the area was called though, stupid enough to not take note for...
  5. PerryGoesPlaces


    History: I don't know too much history on this place but that it closed down in 2010 because they wanted to make a new modern school building, they built the new school literally next to the old one and just left the old school to decay. The Explore: I had heard about kids hanging out at the...