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  1. спат

    Report - "Reha-Ruine" - Obernberg am inn - Austria - March 2024

    History The construction of a rehabilitation clinic began 20 years ago and around 15 million were invested in the project. In 2004, the then operating company ran out of money, and since then the large "ruined building" has led a desolate existence. The property changed hands again and again...
  2. Zoemilly

    Report - Wesham Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, Lancashire - July 2020

    So, Sunday night. Spent all day being a slob on COD, decided after tea I should probably sort my life out and get off the sofa. What to do? Oh yeah! My other hobby let’s go exploring. SQUAD ASSEMBLE! Visited with @Mat Joyce and 2 none members. History Can’t find much history online, so if...