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  1. UrbexBee

    Report - Share and Coulter Pub - Herne Bay - December 2021

    History and research of Share and Coulter pub The pub was closed and sold to an unknown bidder in September/October 2015 for £265,000 which has sat derelict ever since. In 2017 it was used as a traveller’s camp and a dumping area for fly-tippers. It will cost taxpayers about £16,000 to get...
  2. MK83

    Report - The Beacon at Dalton bar and restaurant - Wigan - October 2020

    This was a random explore by chance at night. Planned to go back in the daylight to photograph with decent light but then lockdown 2 happened and didn't get chance so apologies for the photo's as my night time photography isn't the best. Don't think there's been any other reports on it. History...
  3. Five.Claws

    Report - The Griffin Pub & Restaurant, Norwich - December 2019

    Heya my fellow urbies, I've not been on here in quite a while, and I have a bunch of reports to share from places I've visited over the last year. I'll start off with an explore I did just a couple of days back, which whilst not anything groundbreaking, was still a good fun little poke around...