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  1. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire - December 2024

    Introduction This was the most anticipated site me and @Wastelandr planned to visit on our exploring trip to Lincolnshire back in December, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. Information & History RAF Kirton in Lindsey originally opened as a Royal Flying Corps base during the first World War...
  2. GRONK

    Report - RAF Thurleigh Control Tower, Bedford - July 2024

    July 2024 Visited with @Mr Budge and @Tobin, I wasn't quite sure what to anticipate, having only come across a handful of reports from years past. The structure is beginning to exhibit signs of neglect, with multiple rooms, including the control room, showing clear evidence of dampness. In...
  3. GRONK

    Report - RAF Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire - May 2024

    May 2024 The Visit @Mr Budge and I visited on an extremely hot day, and it turned out to be the perfect day for some exploring. We managed to avoid the CCTV cameras and entered the first building. It was clear right away that we had free rein of the entire site, as we slowly made our way...
  4. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF RIvenhall, Essex - November 2023

    Introduction Me and @Wastelandr have been saying for a while we would meet up and have a revisit to RAF Rivenhall so a few weekends ago we did this and a couple of other sites. I have only covered small bits of it in the past so it was nice to spend a bit more time there. Information & HIstory...