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  1. Aries Gryphon

    Anything in SOUTH DEVON

    Hey there! I started actively urbexing last year but wondering if there's anything decent in South Devon or surrounding areas. I live in Torbay and there's not much there that I haven't seen. Anyone got any suggestions?
  2. Willsy

    Report - South Devon Hotel Explore

    Me and 4 friends drove an hour to South Devon on what was just a photo lead I found on someone’s Facebook, and when we got there we weren’t disappointed, this stunning hotel was what we found. Although gaining access to the actual main building itself posed multiple challenges and was hugely...
  3. Provingdemons

    Report - Kids Kingdom, Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, 2018

    Currently touring the country with exploring with josh and exploring with Cody from youtube, and I took them to this neat little resort. The owners live on site and own a restuarant next to it, so we went inside and bought some food and chatted them up. After getting on their good side they...
  4. Provingdemons

    Report - Torbay Berkeley Hotel, Paignton, Devon, Sept 2018

    Just driving by my gf spotted it, so I went by to take some snap shots. There's a couple ways in, i just had a quick wander around the 5 buildings, though this is all I had time to snap as I was omw somewhere.
  5. mexistorm

    Question - Hembury woods Buckfast Devon

    Has anyone got any info on the caves which are locked and gated at the bottom of Henbury woods. I would love to explore but obviously they are locked so can't but can't find any info on them. Or any links for any abandoned buildings locally to Totnes South Devon that are easily accessible as...
  6. Jack Wilkinson1

    Report - Darkies Tunnel Plymouth - July 2018

    Today I decided to pay darkies tunnel a visit with two non 28D members. I don’t have any pictures of the end as sadly my phone battery got too low, but I thought what I had was still worthy of a report. Darkies tunnel (otherwise know as devonport and ford) is two disused railway tunnels that...
  7. Jack Wilkinson1

    Question - Shall I climb it?

    So me and a friend have been discussing climbing the tamar bridge. We’ve agreed if we do it, we’ll climb it at darkness to avoid the eye of the public and reduce our chance of being caught. Obviously we are aware with cameras n such there is a still a high chance of that happening. If we are...
  8. Provingdemons

    Report - Shedden Hall, Torquay, Devon, June 2018

    This once stunning holiday resort has since seen better days, having been a family run hotel, it went out of business in 2012. After painstakingly weaseling in through a tiny window that had just recently been pried off, we found ourselves in the basement. There are so many stunning shots to be...
  9. Provingdemons


    oh boy this was a fun one, the location just on the edge of Seaton in Devon is absolutely massive. with a lobby and bar, stage on the top floor, and roof access, as well as a separate building with a basketball court and what appeared to be a racketball court, all brilliantly covered with...