Thought I'd chuck a report up from the backlog as it's now been pretty much demolished.
Unfortunately the control room had been torched by the time of my visit, so I didn't even bother looking for it. Probably would have been wise to, my lack of effort resulted in me completely missing the main...
I'm a little bit late to the party on this one with demolition work having now begun, but I've finally managed to attempt an old school Coal Fired Power Station which I'm well pleased about! Most of the others have been razed to the ground before I've had the chance to even consider trying them...
Bryn and Cwmavon Brick Works Co. The earliest reference to this brickworks I can find is the 1906 Kelly's Directory and it appears in subsequent issues until the mid 1920s. A Grade II listed building, their website mentions that Bryn Brickworks was constructed after 1894 and continued production...
This has been in the works for a while, as Rhigos Mountain absolutely hates me, and has scuppered my plans to climb/drone the Headframe four times. But I persevered and managed to do everything except the Pit Head Baths, as that remains well sealed, and drone shots STILL.
It has of course been...
I visited this and some other places on a short exploring trip around South Wales in summer last year. The main attraction for me was the main powerhouse and the headstocks so this report focuses more on these. I would have liked to have looked at the Bathhouse nearby though but as...
Looking over Blaenavon from Big Pit Colliery
Time for another mega-thread I think, this time focusing on disused coal mines in South Wales, as well as a few other bonus related bits of industry. I'm going to try to keep it a bit less text-heavy as I have a tendancy to type loads and it takes...
Here's part two of the remaining headframes in the country. Other than Chatterley Whitfield, the South Wales Coalfield definitely has the best remaining colliery infrastructure I would say. The amount left in Cornwall was rather surprising, made for a decent day out though! Be a while until part...
This is one of the many sites I visited recently whilst on an exploring trip in South Wales. It’s been on my to-do list for a while and although it’s only a simple little place I was really keen to do it. Note: This is a re-post following the deletion of the original thread from a...
This hasn't been posted since 2020, and is a decent explore, so here's my take on it. I've done many a tunnel, but this one is by far my favourite, it's a great all rounder, decent length, curved, air shafts, rusted out cars, it's so photogenic, I've been back 3 times
The history -
The Morlais...
Haven't seen this posted in a little while, and Penallta is definitely one of the favourite colliery explores I have done, so why not! Not sure how much longer it'll remain though, 2 of the smaller buildings have already been converted into housing, and I believe similar is planned for the...
Photo Heavy
This has been done to death on here, so I'll keep the history brief. Was very surprised how much is still remaining here considering how far the demolition work has progressed, still an amazing site for a mooch :thumb
The history -
A colliery was first opened in Beddau in...
This was an unplanned visit - saw an opportunity as I drove past and, thankfully, took it. It's worth noting that, should you visit, the gatehouse is occupied by an irate lady and at least two Great Danes. She wasn't best pleased to see me as I was leaving
The Coach House and stables...
During March 1994, I spent some time looking at colliery remains in South Wales. This included Maerdy and Tower collieries, the latter of which closed the following month. Whilst I was in South Wales, I took the photographs reproduced in this reports and scanned from the original coloured...
Was on a brief trip to South Wales with little planning recently when I came across this gem. Having already seen Cwm Cokery, I was struggling to find more industrial ruins to go and see. After having a look at Penallta and Navigation Collieries, albiet unable to gain access, as well as quick...
Yesterday’s explore and one of the coolest ones to date, the overflow tunnel for the waterworks near the Brecon Mountain Railway.
Due to not knowing what the tunnel is actually called and countless hours of researching tunnels and history of welsh tunnels on google, there is not much history...
A recent adventure - The Morlais Tunnel, also commonly known as Morlais Junction or The Miler.
I have walked The Miler previously, when I was around 16 years of age when myself and my friends used it as a shortcut when we were late home - although, it never seemed as eery back then.
When I first mentioned to my friends who are involved in the urban exploring community and have been for a while, most recommendations where “go to Talgarth asylum and have a look - you’ll soon know if this is for you”. Well, that’s exactly what I did... not for long, due to being stopped by the...
I've always loved exploring around this spot, purely because there's always something new to find whenever I go there.
Outdoors, the winding wheels still exist and still turn (in the wind). You have to climb through a gap in the fence to get to these structures properly but a majority of the...
Going through memory cards from last year I found this little gem, the Pen-yr-Orsedd quarry. Although many of these quarry buildings are slowly returning to nature there's a certain level of photographic derpy-ness about them that I love. Maybe it's the fact that most derelict surface stuff in...
Wenallt AAOR bunker
Abandoned in the late 70's the bunker is sealed from the outside world aside from two narrow entrances.
I visited twice throughout November. Entrance to the bunker was a tight drop around 10ft, with ledges assisting decent. upon leaving we found a second exit through a...