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  1. Webbs0710

    Report - Tone Works, Wellington, Feb/Mar 25

    Local one for me, and one which has proven a tough nut to crack in comparison to Tonedale Mill. I was tempted to go to one of the council's open days last summer purely to get a peek, but every weekend they had one on I was elsewhere in the country 😂 Explored twice to try and get decent shots...
  2. Webbs0710

    Tonedale Mills, Wellington, April/Aug 22

    Another local one for me, knew about it for a long time, even before I got into exploring. Large mills are a rarity down south, so I couldn't not get myself in the biggest in the South West! Would have liked to have done the Tone Works, but short of shimmying across a pipe, there's no way in...
  3. Toriii

    Report - Toneworks wellington 30/07/2020

    Look a look around Tonedale mills today, first one I was unable to gain access due to work men but I will go back but managed to look around Tone works. History- Built in 1830s and owned and run by the fox brothers. They were originally powdered by water from the tone river that flows through...