this was part duex
after a slight fail in part one in the begining of the year
part duex was the follow up of all follow ups
this started of with a little email to rigsby "mate browns sleep over, u up for it , email any one u think will come"
so with that, and i think every one turned up that said they would
urban junky
jake A.K.A ( buttplug)
petzl ( renamed pretzel after all the cider we where drinking)
petzl's missis
met up with, urban junky and his merry men out side my house at a stupid time in the morning, and headed over to my local tesco for some supplys, and an epic breakfast to sort us out for the day
tummys full and wallets emptied we headed over to the meeting point, i think we must have vip parking in there now, name plates over the spaces soon. a good hour of peeps arriving with plenty of meet and greets and alot of chatting.
we headed over to ridge and monks for a nice little walk round, saying that the speed we went round i think it was more of a run than a walk, again followed by alot of chatting and sitting round, then over to quarrymans to drop some cars of and a nice pint (more chatting)
next up was the legendary cider farm, they must of wet themselves seeing us lot pull up in our picky vans and the lot of us getting out, but to be fair we did spend a good amount of cash in there between us, so they must of been happy bunnys when we left, even if brickman did try nearly all the ciders before buying lol i must get some of there jam next time it looked lush
next up was a trip to sands, not a massive place, there is some stuff left behind, but one of the best cut quarrys i have seen so far, but saying that after a small error in kit me and brickman shot back to get his kit, then when we got back we meet larey so by the time we got to the entrance every one was coming back out, look a little worn out lol.
so we headed over to swan, quick chat with grumpy, sorry pub landlord, he is a nice chap but just grumpy, so with the promise of a drink in the pub later, we headed of into swan, a good stomp up to the crane and one of the funniest things of the night was looking back to see 15 odd head lamps shinning in the dark coming up the passage way they looked like some chinese tourist group, it did make me and mark chuckle, but then we realised it was 7.40 and it gets dark around 8.30, so we shot straight back out, to find root about to gear up to meet us in swan, so we had yet another pint then got all our kit ready for the sleep over
so we then headed over to browns, my bags where full with everything but the kitchen sink :crazy,and bubblehead having a twin 12inch basebox with amp and 12v car battery to carrybetween us, by this time it was dark
so we all headed over to shakespear entrance, nice little walk over the clifts at night, probably not the best thing to do with a 100ft drop.but the peeps camping above ground must of thought there was something strange going on as one by one we walked past in a line, headlamps on and kitted up for a walk up snowdonia, we got in to browns and straight in to our normal room
air beds out, tent up ,sleeping bags out and half the room covered in candles, bit of grub, sound system blasting away, we got down to some drinking and chatting, some went top side for a bbq in the lush eveing weather,then one by one every one started to drop off to sleep, then root popped is head in as he was showing someone round browns, then pooped back in for a beer a bit later, before heading off about mid night,
just as stones and grit strated falling from the roof, every now and again ,u would get a bit of grit fall down or a stone fall out, not the best thing to happen so thougth it best to turn music down a little, i must admit i was a little worried...........but not enought to move!! lol
talking of midnight, urbanfox sprange a suprise cake and candles for speed's birthday(happy birthday fella) i think we finally got to sleep about 1.30 ish subject to alot of pissing in the night by every one, in the dark and over jakes tent!! lol most got a good night sleep
8.00 on the dot, up for breaky, the place looked like glastonbury, bottles every where, cans, it was a mess but to be fair we did clean it up really well, with only the smell of wee left behind
then all but me headed over to quarrymans and into box for the day
all in all a top weekend
, nice to meet some new faces 
cant wait for the next one cheers all
couple of picks below of the night, i am sure there will be more to be added by the rest, in the end i took all of about 20 pics, should of just left my camera at home lol
my bit of luxury, air beds are great, even if a "sly fox" pinches half of it lol
urbanjunky he had been up nearly 24 hours, good lad
better sound system than most clubs,
hi-de-hi campers
petzl and missis, he was the candle kid, candles every where round his patch, it looked really impressive
jake in his tent, i think he thought it was a bunker incase the roof fell in !! lol
something different
different passage way
after a slight fail in part one in the begining of the year
part duex was the follow up of all follow ups

this started of with a little email to rigsby "mate browns sleep over, u up for it , email any one u think will come"
so with that, and i think every one turned up that said they would

urban junky
jake A.K.A ( buttplug)
petzl ( renamed pretzel after all the cider we where drinking)
petzl's missis
Originally Posted by rigsby
6 quarrys
17 explorers
Lots of cider
= Good weekend
oh and one tent :crazy
met up with, urban junky and his merry men out side my house at a stupid time in the morning, and headed over to my local tesco for some supplys, and an epic breakfast to sort us out for the day

tummys full and wallets emptied we headed over to the meeting point, i think we must have vip parking in there now, name plates over the spaces soon. a good hour of peeps arriving with plenty of meet and greets and alot of chatting.
we headed over to ridge and monks for a nice little walk round, saying that the speed we went round i think it was more of a run than a walk, again followed by alot of chatting and sitting round, then over to quarrymans to drop some cars of and a nice pint (more chatting)
next up was the legendary cider farm, they must of wet themselves seeing us lot pull up in our picky vans and the lot of us getting out, but to be fair we did spend a good amount of cash in there between us, so they must of been happy bunnys when we left, even if brickman did try nearly all the ciders before buying lol i must get some of there jam next time it looked lush
next up was a trip to sands, not a massive place, there is some stuff left behind, but one of the best cut quarrys i have seen so far, but saying that after a small error in kit me and brickman shot back to get his kit, then when we got back we meet larey so by the time we got to the entrance every one was coming back out, look a little worn out lol.
so we headed over to swan, quick chat with grumpy, sorry pub landlord, he is a nice chap but just grumpy, so with the promise of a drink in the pub later, we headed of into swan, a good stomp up to the crane and one of the funniest things of the night was looking back to see 15 odd head lamps shinning in the dark coming up the passage way they looked like some chinese tourist group, it did make me and mark chuckle, but then we realised it was 7.40 and it gets dark around 8.30, so we shot straight back out, to find root about to gear up to meet us in swan, so we had yet another pint then got all our kit ready for the sleep over
so we then headed over to browns, my bags where full with everything but the kitchen sink :crazy,and bubblehead having a twin 12inch basebox with amp and 12v car battery to carrybetween us, by this time it was dark

air beds out, tent up ,sleeping bags out and half the room covered in candles, bit of grub, sound system blasting away, we got down to some drinking and chatting, some went top side for a bbq in the lush eveing weather,then one by one every one started to drop off to sleep, then root popped is head in as he was showing someone round browns, then pooped back in for a beer a bit later, before heading off about mid night,
just as stones and grit strated falling from the roof, every now and again ,u would get a bit of grit fall down or a stone fall out, not the best thing to happen so thougth it best to turn music down a little, i must admit i was a little worried...........but not enought to move!! lol
talking of midnight, urbanfox sprange a suprise cake and candles for speed's birthday(happy birthday fella) i think we finally got to sleep about 1.30 ish subject to alot of pissing in the night by every one, in the dark and over jakes tent!! lol most got a good night sleep
8.00 on the dot, up for breaky, the place looked like glastonbury, bottles every where, cans, it was a mess but to be fair we did clean it up really well, with only the smell of wee left behind
then all but me headed over to quarrymans and into box for the day
all in all a top weekend

cant wait for the next one cheers all

couple of picks below of the night, i am sure there will be more to be added by the rest, in the end i took all of about 20 pics, should of just left my camera at home lol
my bit of luxury, air beds are great, even if a "sly fox" pinches half of it lol
urbanjunky he had been up nearly 24 hours, good lad
better sound system than most clubs,
hi-de-hi campers
petzl and missis, he was the candle kid, candles every where round his patch, it looked really impressive
jake in his tent, i think he thought it was a bunker incase the roof fell in !! lol
something different
different passage way
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