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Report - A visit to the Royal Sovereign Lighthouse

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ok first the History
This lighthouse was completed in 1971 and replaced a light vessel which had marked the Royal Sovereign Shoal since 1875. It is of concrete construction and was built in two sections on the beach at Newhaven. The base and vertical pillar section were floated into position and sunk on to a levelled area of the sea bed and the upper cabin section and superstructure were then floated over the pillar section. The pillar had an inner telescopic section which, when attached to the cabin, was jacked up 13 Mts and locked into position. The underside of the cabin is well above the maximum wave height and the navigation light is 28 Mts above sea level.

The cabin section contained accommodation for the keepers who manned the lighthouse before its automation in 1994, when the lighthouse was converted to solar power with banks of solar modules mounted on a steel frames. The flat upper deck of the cabin section provides a helicopter landing platform. The lighthouse tower, with the control room, fog signal room and lantern is located at one corner of the main deck with direct access to the cabin section below.

Although the lighthouse has been unoccupied since its automation in 1994 it is in extremely good condition probably due to the periodic visits by Trinity House

Ok now a word of warning, the tides that surround the lighthouse are extremely dangerous & on more than one occasion we have had waited several hours for the right sea conditions to be able to leap from the boat onto the access ladder
As with all Trinity House structures this lighthouse is heavily alarmed with internal CCTV

The pics, its only when you get close up you realise how big it is!




Views of the inside




This picof the keepers lounge, looks like they left yesterday, not 16 years ago!



Disused generator sets & old battery room



The light & the new solar panels

Rik UE

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Getting demolished soon :( Anyone has a masterplan and can lend me a kayak :)

Rik UE

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
PS Ill need some Kayak lessons, hopefully the boss can help with them?


28DL Full Member
Is this a permission visit? either way very interesting, we did attempt It before i moved out the area but boat troubles set us back.

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