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Abandoned Barn - Stratford, Warwickshire | Other Sites |

Abandoned Barn - Stratford, Warwickshire

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28DL Member
28DL Member
May 2021

This is a local farm which has been active and supporting the local area. It has fallen out of use in the 2010s with all important materials removed. It now sits abandoned.

I discovered this barn/farm not too long ago with an old friend. I pass it every day on my drive to work, and each time I pass it I have always been inspired to go and have a look. With a free afternoon I head over with an enthusiastic friend to have a look.

The farm backs onto another working farm, so my earliest research was discovering whether the building we wanted to visit was truly abandoned. After a few recon visits it was clear that the building we wanted to view was not a part of the nearby farm.

We visited in an afternoon with an aim to have a look at the outside as a bare minimum. As the area was quiet we managed to creep inside to have a look inside. Although the building is abandoned we decided that upsetting the nearby properties was not a wise idea!

On getting inside the interior was wonderful. The timber framing looked superb, really well preserved. And lots of ‘gubbins’ hanging on nails left, right and centre. This was very clearly once a very busy farm with a lot going on! Not so much now.

We visited the upstairs rooms of the barn, another really interesting area to visit. The timber frames were very decayed so we had to take it slow and easy, no point being unsafe and dropping through the floor. Lots of cameras angled around windows to aboid entering unsafe rooms.

All in all there wasnt too much there aside from decaying farm equipment. But boy did we find it exciting all the same.
While we were there it started to rain slightly so we got to listen to a gorgeous pitter-patter sound all though the visit.

The favourite find was an old First Aid kit from the 1950s, very clearly never opened by the farmer! Absolutely wonderful, we opened the tin and had a look inside at the perfectly preserved contents before putting it back. Very cool.

A very worthwhile adventure, fairly small but one for both of our diaries! Although I have done a few little adventures so far, this has been my favourite and the first I have documented. Thank you very much for reading.















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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
A lot more interesting than the title would have you believe. Some beautiful old beams in there.

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