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Question - Abandoned Doncaster Locations!!

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi, me and a friend or 2 are new to urbex and would like to visit some abandoned places in and around Doncaster. We did the Lower Danum School not too long ago (before the fire) and absolutely enjoyed it. Since then we’ve looked at doing the grand theatre in the town centre, no luck as it has been sealed off and deemed a big waste of time. Does anyone know any half decent spots in doncaster worth going? All replies welcome.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Honestly you won't get any answers that are any more helpful or informative than 'use the search box', there's plenty around that area so you should be able to find something.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Depending on the sort of places you're after, Geograph and old OS Maps would be a good place to start. Failing that, local rags usually have articles when large factory sites close or derelict sites have plans lodged for housing. These types of articles, more often than not, include the road name or rough location. Also, like others have mentioned, the search box on here is handy, type Doncaster (and also try some surrounding towns, cities and the county itself). Ensure to tick the 'Search Titles Only' checkbox for more accurate results.


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Welcome along, use the search tool on here to find already explored locations close to you. Get out and about and while cracking the known local spots (it’s nice to see updates) you will no doubt turn up some new stuff to share.

Don’t give up on The Grand, i liked the place a lot. Worth the effort in my opinion. If you keep checking these places over time a way in usually presents itself.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Doncaster has always been a bit of an urbex nemesis for me so can't help really.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Try the Bawtry carbon site!
Be careful if you do go though. I've heard rumors of secca having dogs running around off lead


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Look high up at the grand, I've not been for some years. But it was a bit dicey getting in... you had to watch where you tread.