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Report - - Abandoned fertilizer factory, Suffolk - Aug 21 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Abandoned fertilizer factory, Suffolk - Aug 21

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hello everybody.

This is a very explored and explained site, but it's local to me and we're relatively local, and I'm new.
Fisons was a fertiliser factory built in the Victorian period, apparently around 1858, and was operational up until 2003.

They manufactured, you know, fertiliser. The company branched out into medicine, was acquired once or twice, and ultimately the site was mothballed.

The site was guarded, until it wasn't. There have been a number of alleged arsons, and the site is ruins today.

I'm not sure what all the buildings might have been for. Here's what we were greeted with.

There was some nifty graffiti inside as expected.

There must be tons of metal here, twisted and rusted. Who knows what it once was?

I liked this piece.

Then we come across what I suppose would be some kind of dumping/loading structure. We clambered up.

I needed a wee at this point, but I was soldiering on. Now we're getting to the point where I am holding on to the rails with a grip stronger than they.
This bit is scary. There is floor missing all over the place. The entire structure creaks in the wind.

The big metal block on a chain is a magnet, presumable for getting magnetic stuff out of whatever they're shifting. I can I only guess.

My brave friend ventured way further than I did. I froze when I got to those scary holes in the floor. I went back to have my wee, only to discover my tiny friend was now basically in hiding and had even changed its postcode.

This is inside the remaining structure. We guess there would have been extra floors, as there are railings at various elevations that may not be apparant.

There was some office space which was fairly 1970s, but apparently people were working there in the early 2000s.

We did wonder about access to this place up here, but it is inaccessible due to all the burned out floors. We were not interested in exploring this tower at all.

I thought this graffiti art was cool. The artist has it on their instagram.
nning in the 2000s?

There are some remaining outbuldings.

I wonder when this was last used?

Some areas are a bit more burned up than others.

Anyway, best get off.


It's sunset now.

I hope you enjoyed it.


Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice 1st report. Perfect format, good shots & commentary. Welcome to the world of posting, hope to see more from you :thumb


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
To answer the question about what all that metal was, they were the supporting columns for the main production building which burned to the ground a few years ago.


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Surprised this is all still there, especially after the fire and the state it was in when I went.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Poor Fisons, really was an impressive piece of wooden architecture before the fire. Remember watching the sunset on the top level one evening.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice report on this place. Sad to see how it has gone. The main mill had a real American feel to it. Was my first ever industrial explore back in 2014 so fond memories of it.

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