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Report - Abandoned First Bus Depot, Rotherham

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's been a while since I posted a blog here due to work committments and no play at all lately. This being an Easter weekend, I awarded myself some time off (I'm self employed) and took a tour around my local derelict buildings, what's left of them.

Today's 2nd location was an abandoned First Bus depot in Rotherham. It's not the most glamorous of places to visit but I've been fascinated by this place ever since I realised it was derelict.

I understand that First Bus, the operator, moved out of this depot in 2017 and the depot has since been used by the local police for firearms training. Lately the car park has been occupied by multiple caravans of the travelling community. With the travellers in place, we've avoided trying to get in since we would only expect unwanted trouble if we went anywhere near the place!

So once I managed to fit my enormous bulk through a 24" square cut hole in a jaggy fence, I clambered down a slippy banking and narrowly managed to trip arse over tit! This is what I got:
















28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lovely crisp shots, I love the look of this place even though it is considered a bit of a derp by some. I have a thing for big empty industrial rooms, but I love the look of the boiler house and the classic shot of the yellow stairs. Nice report.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lovely crisp shots, I love the look of this place even though it is considered a bit of a derp by some. I have a thing for big empty industrial rooms, but I love the look of the boiler house and the classic shot of the yellow stairs. Nice report.
Thanks, I always look at these places as potential locations for lightpainting and this ticks the boxes, especially the boiler house. I'll be back before they close that gap in the fence!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You know the front gate is wide open, i can tell you went after me as I spent ages clearing up shite in the boiler house to get a decent shot. When I went a family turned up with a pram and kids. Great set of images too,


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haha, a family day out on a Bank Holiday Monday lol. We had a trip to Cannons Brewery and as we arrived a family of 8 (I lost count) were just leaving including a 5 year old. Not sure how wise that was with needles in places.......


28DL Regular User
Regular User
You know the front gate is wide open, i can tell you went after me as I spent ages clearing up shite in the boiler house to get a decent shot. When I went a family turned up with a pram and kids. Great set of images too,
It's wide open again? 😂 I had to use a conveniently left open fire exit in December, as it had been well sealed after the tour bus hit it.


Regular User
Had a tour round here the other day, we came across two smackheads sleeping in the offices. Tragic creatures.

It is absolutely fucked now by the way (not that it wasn't already in your photos)



Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Had a tour round here the other day, we came across two smackheads sleeping in the offices. Tragic creatures.

It is absolutely fucked now by the way (not that it wasn't already in your photos)


I was here a few months ago too and despite its reputation on here I really enjoyed the place.
I didn’t see drug addicts but there were a whole family of metal thieves working away on the cables in the pit area. Their poor kid was about 5, just stood there wondering what his parents were doing. Proper sad scene.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was here a few months ago too and despite its reputation on here I really enjoyed the place.
I didn’t see drug addicts but there were a whole family of metal thieves working away on the cables in the pit area. Their poor kid was about 5, just stood there wondering what his parents were doing. Proper sad scene.
I bet they were the same ones when I went. I too found despite it’s fucked up appearance it was photogenic.

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