I found this absolutely massive site in July 2017. I’ve only been here once despite going to lanzarote since as you have to walk 1 hour straight in the sun over wasteland to find it! It’s extremely out the way. The story behind this hotel is actually quite funny aswell. I do believe it was the 70s when a German business man wanted to build a golf hotel in Lanzarote. The structure was built and then after they built it they realised the land was too volcanic for any grass to grow! Poor man couldn’t have his golf hotel
. They basically just abandoned it and it’s going to cost Lanzarote I think around a billion euros to take down the shell so they’ve just left it there. The building just stands abandoned but I do think some squatters were living in there as a little end was blocked off and there were mattresses. Excuse the captions in some of the photos it’s because I took some for snapchat aswell as just normal photos XD sorry!