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Report - - Acoustic Sound Mirrors - November 2018 | Military Sites |

Report - Acoustic Sound Mirrors - November 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I think my original post was one that didn't make it due to the technical I shall repost.

I decided to go to the Acoustic Sound Mirrors at Denge yesterday as I wanted to get some good photos. I didn't fancy doing this alone so took my wife with me (Please note: she wasn't impressed)
So... on arriving I was greeted with a large bridge that I knew was there but what I didn't expect was that it is positioned to block the entire side that you need to get to. to get across to the island. That said you can manoeuvre around it to a ledge where you can lower yourself into the water.
Other people have thrown large branches and wood into the water but this proved to be more of an obstacle to be honest and I wasn't prepared to lose my footing, fall in a ruin my camera. Anyway, once in the water it was only waist height (I am 5ft 11") and you are approx. 6-7 steps away from the other side. I would suggest going to the left as there is a small ledge which makes getting onto the island a lot easier.
Now getting back to the mainland was a different story. I got back into the water using the aforementioned ledge but when getting to the mainland the bank is actually quite high and being soaking wet it proved hard to jump up to try and grab the bridge to pull myself up. As I said, my wife was less than impressed and it was at this point she started to have a go at me, perhaps me laughing exacerbated the situation but some unpleasant words left her mouth.
It was at this point I decided to use the branches and wood thrown in and was able to get enough stability to step up high enough to grab the Bridge and get out. There is another ledge to the left of the mainland side but wasn't sure how deep the water got and wasn't prepared to make a bad situation worse.

Anyway, well worth getting wet and being shouted at.







Mr Sentimental

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice little report and pics.
I have to say well done that your wife actually went with you.... if I asked my wife to go on an excursion I would
have got a mouthful even before I had left the house! :D


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report :).

Your post actually got me to Google the nearest sound mirrors to my house and it turns out that there is one about 5 minutes away that I never even knew about so i'm going to check it out over the coming week :).


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Wading through water? Lol better than me, I would have turned back lol.
The impressive part is getting away with posting those pictures, usually you would be roasted to a crisp. Any proper pictures to share?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report lesson of the day always put waders in the car going somewhere like this you just never know. Also what a romantic place to take the wife she’s a lucky woman.

Orion 91

28DL Member
28DL Member
Nice report. Me, the wife and some mates have been there, a friend fell in it was rather funny as it was on a cold and windy march day.

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