Went for a visit around Ainscough Flour Mill with BenWRX, Spook, Radioman and we met up with Lister who first posted this location in the Leads, Rumours and Recce section. Cheers for sharing that, it was a bloody nice place.
The mill is pretty much over looked by houses all around and this is probably the reason why the mill is in such a great condition. On the ground floor of one part of the mill and in the basement of the reception building, there is signs of fire damage but generally it is a fairly solid place with quite a bit of stuff to see. The top of the water tower is easily accessable and we even had a bit of a break in security's cabin, pity there was no kettle.
Anyway, a few pics...
The mill stands overlooking the canal and residential areas.
Fire damage in the basement of the reception building.
Cheers Lister for such a great location.
The mill is pretty much over looked by houses all around and this is probably the reason why the mill is in such a great condition. On the ground floor of one part of the mill and in the basement of the reception building, there is signs of fire damage but generally it is a fairly solid place with quite a bit of stuff to see. The top of the water tower is easily accessable and we even had a bit of a break in security's cabin, pity there was no kettle.
Anyway, a few pics...
The mill stands overlooking the canal and residential areas.
Fire damage in the basement of the reception building.
Cheers Lister for such a great location.