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Report - Another Lillesden school report!

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Evening all.

I have seen this place pop up alot on here and as im quite local i had to go and have another look. Been on my own awhile back but didnt do the second floor. So this time i enrolled a friend to chaperone me.

Heard many bad stories about how dangerous the floors were and was quite worried about going up a level but once i got up there it wasnt so bad (in parts). Found that if we kept to the joists it was fine. Even some of the 3rd level is untouched and very sturdy. however the 3rd and second floor area just under were the roof is missing on the stairwell is well and truly rotten so didnt go up futher than that.

Really is a shame the pillers have gone that would of looked amazing. How on earth they moved them beats me they must weigh a ton!!

Great place though and had a awsome afternoon, cant wait to go again..

Only had my camera a while so go easy :D

Shot of the front of school

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

School stage outside main house

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

Kitchen and hall area

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

Kitchen and hall area

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

Found this on a blackboard in an out building

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

Mobile classroom

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

Green house/conservatory

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr


Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

Ground floor

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

Cool graffiti

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

I know i know its wonky!!

Lillesden school hawkhurst by stiggluss80, on Flickr

Thanks for looking..


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