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Question - Any info on tunnels in Vauxhall

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hey guys, I’ve been doing some exploring in my local area and have found out that there is a tunnel system under the majority of Vauxhall. My contact was only young when he went down and can’t remember much about them. I’ve tried researching online as I don’t want to go down there without knowing what I’m walking into, but unfortunately i’m unable to find anything. Does anyone know what these tunnels were/are used for? Any info would be really appreciated!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I can't think of anything in Vauxhall specifically, but in the area:
  • River Effra - an underground river (and CSO?) that runs under Vauxhall, not a tunnel as per se though.
  • Pimlico-Battersea steam tunnels - tunnels that go from the other side of the river at Pimlico, over to Battersea. Not sure how these have been affected by the Battersea Power Station re-development though.
  • Clapham South Deep Level Shelter - tunnels beneath Clapham used as WW2 shelter, I believe they were then purchased by Iron Mountain for use as a document storage facility.
Sometimes it's worth looking at old Ordnance Survey maps, the one I've quickly looked at doesn't have a great deal of interesting leads - but I would have a guess that originally both the Bethlem and Workhouse would've had service tunnels. These are more towards Elephant & Castle - and the Imperial War Museum and Cinema Museum(?!).

Screenshot 2020-12-31 at 22.12.44.png

As for Vauxhall itself, depending upon how long ago your contact visited the tunnels, I'd bear in mind that the development of Vauxhall Cross in to the SIS building may have likely changed anything that ran too close. (i.e. The Effra outfall runs directly under VX) Not sure where the new American embassy is, but Vauxhall rings a bell - and I would guess there would be similar concerns there.

Anecdotally, I seem to recall being pretty drunk and ending up at a bizarre place under the arches - opposite Vauxhall Cross - a few years ago as it was the only place open. I got lost looking for the toilets and remember poking around a basement area, which seemed to have an interesting doorway... or that's just a drunken mis-memory! So it wouldn't be surprising if anything underground was also used as storage - i.e. Mark Lane tube station at Tower Hill is partially used as storage for an All Bar One above it!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I can't think of anything in Vauxhall specifically, but in the area:
  • River Effra - an underground river (and CSO?) that runs under Vauxhall, not a tunnel as per se though.
  • Pimlico-Battersea steam tunnels - tunnels that go from the other side of the river at Pimlico, over to Battersea. Not sure how these have been affected by the Battersea Power Station re-development though.
  • Clapham South Deep Level Shelter - tunnels beneath Clapham used as WW2 shelter, I believe they were then purchased by Iron Mountain for use as a document storage facility.
Sometimes it's worth looking at old Ordnance Survey maps, the one I've quickly looked at doesn't have a great deal of interesting leads - but I would have a guess that originally both the Bethlem and Workhouse would've had service tunnels. These are more towards Elephant & Castle - and the Imperial War Museum and Cinema Museum(?!).

Screenshot 2020-12-31 at 22.12.44.png

As for Vauxhall itself, depending upon how long ago your contact visited the tunnels, I'd bear in mind that the development of Vauxhall Cross in to the SIS building may have likely changed anything that ran too close. (i.e. The Effra outfall runs directly under VX) Not sure where the new American embassy is, but Vauxhall rings a bell - and I would guess there would be similar concerns there.

Anecdotally, I seem to recall being pretty drunk and ending up at a bizarre place under the arches - opposite Vauxhall Cross - a few years ago as it was the only place open. I got lost looking for the toilets and remember poking around a basement area, which seemed to have an interesting doorway... or that's just a drunken mis-memory! So it wouldn't be surprising if anything underground was also used as storage - i.e. Mark Lane tube station at Tower Hill is partially used as storage for an All Bar One above it!

Actually this does have some interesting leads


So the yellow circle is where we went to scout out the entry point, Where he entered many years ago and believe it or not it was still open and we was able to pop the hatch open pretty damn easy. He also mentioned there is numerous entry points scattered around the area, one of which was blocked of by metal railings (easily passable).
And the red circle is where he said he exited the tunnel again with pretty good description of the area!
Thanks too this map I can now put two and two together and see that the tunnels link up! What exactly do all the black points on the map represent
I was speaking to a friend who said he’s heard about people from the market who grow vegetables down there (if this is true I have no clue) but could easily be mistaken for the arches under the bridges!

The River Effra sounds pretty cool I’ll have to do some research on it or are there any reports about it?
Again the Pimlico-Battersea steam tunnel sounds like a great explore, any reports?

I’ve recently been to two of the deep level bunkers so I don’t think I’m getting mistaken with them and would also be interested in any tips on any others that’s are accessible! I don’t wanna name drop any of them on here but feel free to send me a message with any info on them I.e can you access all of them or are some used for certain reason or are some so damaged that it’s not safe to visit.
Haha your random drunken night out sounds great and it’s these nights out that turn out to be the best memories.
I actually live in the area and will have a little look out for what you mean when I’m next walking around the area.


more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
There's two big empty storm outlets to the river on either side of the road over vauxhall bridge. The effra relief is known as breach and clapham storm relief known as lucky charms. Reports on here from both


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Unless it's mushrooms I'm not sure they would be growing vegetables underground, they might be growing something else that would make the required lighting economical to use but not carrots etc.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I didn't say it was impossible, I said it would be cost prohibitive.
I know for example growing weed with leds is much better than sodium lights but not many do it.
Its something they trialed on the space station many years ago (growing with leds not growing weed).

However they even say in that article that vegetables are not profitable to be grown that way so they stick to micro herbs.


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
I didn’t say you said anything.

just showing you they are growing vegetables underground which you said is cost prohibitive

and they say in the article that certain types of vegetables are not profitable like carrots and probably potatoes or any other root veg

Micro herbs are vegetables

salad leaves are vegetables


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I should have been clearer, I meant I don't think market traders would be growing vegetables underground.
Doesn't really matter either way though does it lol.


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
I think the link to market traders is because they are very close to “new Covent Garden”market

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