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Report - - Aquaseal Rubber, Wallsend – December 2020 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Aquaseal Rubber, Wallsend – December 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Earlier in the day we visited Whitburn Lodge, which was a successful explore. We travelled across South Tyneside looking at places which were potentially abandoned. South Tyneside was a bust, so we headed across the river in a final bid to finish our day off with an explore.


We couldn’t find any history or news articles about the Aquaseal building itself, so we just included some history about the company.

Aquaseal Rubber Ltd is a family run company which was formed in 1972 originally under the name Argus Rubber Engineering, initially manufacturing gaskets and strip rubber for the Keilder Dam project as well as the ship building and ship repair industries in Tyne & Wear.

The Explore

We parked about a 10 minute walk away, as we had a look at an abandoned pub round the corner from Aquaseal. Unfortunately, the pub was boarded shut and looked to be recently fitted with alarms. We headed off to Aquaseal, which is the middle of an industrial estate.

It took us a good 10 minutes or so to find a way in, however once we found it we were straight in. When we got into the building it was pitch black, with puddles of water all over the floor. The place was empty. Everything had been stripped out and the inside was damp almost everywhere we went. The usual graffiti artists had been inside and out, dishing up their usual delights on the vacant walls of Aquaseal.

We made our way up to the top floor, which had been trashed like every other room in the building. It was obvious that this building had been vacant for a few years judging off the way it looked. The windows had been smashed, leaving bits of glass everywhere. Other than that, there wasn’t much to see.

When we were making our way out, we heard a group of lads trying to get inside, who left in a hurry once they heard us inside. We encountered them outside whilst they were making their way inside, so we’re guessing that quite a few of the locals manage to get inside the buildings on a frequent basis.












Thanks for reading!​


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Had a look in here about 6 years ago and it was bare and empty then was hoping for more at the time surprised its still there tbh thanks for the update.

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