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Report - - Ashenbank Wood air raid shelter - Cobham - March 2020 | Underground Sites |

Report - Ashenbank Wood air raid shelter - Cobham - March 2020

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28DL Full Member
So air-raid shelters are not eveyone cup of tea and unsure if this is even on the site tbh

So today i went for a wonder around Cobham area, and being pregnant my explores are kinda limited too aha - a friend told me about this air raid shelter - was very shocked how easy it was to even find it - It pretty much soon as you walk into the public woods . The woods alone has a good set history to it .

Now the history : World War dispersed accommodation camp site 5 in Ashenbank Wood, Cobham. One of 5 camps, it was established in late 1940/41 for the RAF air field to the north at Thong Lane. Its situation removed personnel from the graeter risk of air bombardment if quartered at the air field itself. After brief use by the Royal Navy in 1945, the site was used as accommodation for the homeless. After 1954, the huts were removed and the site returned to nature. Traces of the spaces occupied by huts may be seen, as well as tarmac roads and three surviving air raid shelters.

Now some Photos






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Deleted member 133898

Air raid shelters or Air Raid Precautions (ARP) are my favourite explores. Looks to be in reasonable condition, just needs landowner to get their hands dirty and give it a proper scrub down


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I read Cobham and thought Cobham, Surrey. Where there are several ARP and pill boxes.

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