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Report - - Ashley Road deep shelter- Surrey- July 2016 | Underground Sites |

Report - Ashley Road deep shelter- Surrey- July 2016

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Like a cat on a fence....
28DL Full Member
Hello and welcome..
This public air raid shelter is one of a number commissioned by Surrey Council just before the beginning of WW2. It is similar in layout and construction as the Foxenden Quarry and Coulsdon shelters, some sections being lined with brick or corrugated steel and other parts remaining unlined. The system of parallel tunnels are accessed via a long passage in a deep cutting of the hillside. After having abandoned for many years, an airsoft team took over managment and ran organised events using airsoft weapons and training excercises!
In more recent years a gold bullion company (who look after most of the uks private gold) are keeping control with potentual plans to be a high security storage area

The explore
visited with @silentwalker
During one of our many weekend scrables across the beautiful english countryside in search our beloved mines, tunnels, drains, houses and what not, we decided to pop past this little beauty and have a check to see what the state of play was..
on arrival..
we realised it was not possible, we turned our backs to walk away and at that exact moment we heard a strange noise come from the door. we turned around with abit of a shock to notice, almost by magic that the door was open..
Not questioning our strike of sudden luck we hopped in and had a ganders!!
The tunnels are a nice site to see, with stunning brick work and a very clean feel to the air.
we walked around getting some photos and at one point nearly pooping my pants as i felt breathing down my neck?? who knows..
Here are some photos....









Thanks for looking:thumb:thumb:thumb:thumb

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