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Aussie Brit Long time urbexer | New Members Introduction |

Aussie Brit Long time urbexer

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Gray everyone 🤪
Long time urbexer originally from Western Australia now living in west sussex. I was urbexing as a kid when it was called "exploring empty buildings"(late 1970s).
I won't tolerate vandalism in any of the places I've explored, my rules are "go in(not break in), explore, document, don't move anything, don't take anything and leave it how you found it".
I've explored mental hospitals, retirement homes, schools, tunnels, cemeteries, quarantine hospitals and burial grounds, mansions, zoos...
I've had the shite scared out of me by strange things happening, guard dogs, cops, security guards, other urbexers, snakes, wild cats... but thats all part of the experience.
I'm also a taphophile, go Google it cuz I can't be bothered explaining it lol.
Anyhoos, glad to be a part of real urbexers, aussies don't know nothing.


O high
Staff member
Well, welcome! Brilliant intro thread - good on ya. Think there are probably more taphophiles on here already than you might expect..


Queller of the uprising
Gray everyone 🤪
Long time urbexer originally from Western Australia now living in west sussex. I was urbexing as a kid when it was called "exploring empty buildings"(late 1970s).
I won't tolerate vandalism in any of the places I've explored, my rules are "go in(not break in), explore, document, don't move anything, don't take anything and leave it how you found it".
I've explored mental hospitals, retirement homes, schools, tunnels, cemeteries, quarantine hospitals and burial grounds, mansions, zoos...
I've had the shite scared out of me by strange things happening, guard dogs, cops, security guards, other urbexers, snakes, wild cats... but thats all part of the experience.
I'm also a taphophile, go Google it cuz I can't be bothered explaining it lol.
Anyhoos, glad to be a part of real urbexers, aussies don't know nothing.

Welcome to the site!

Have a read of the following link to help you get a feel of the site and how things work:

And have a read of this guide to help you posting a report should you wish to:

There’s tonnes out there, use the search box to your aid and you may even find something in your area!

I look forward to seeing some pictures and reports soon! Just shout if you have any questions! ✌🏻