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Report - - Bailey Mill, Delph, March 2013 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Bailey Mill, Delph, March 2013

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So as I'm sure you are all aware by now Sunday saw myself, Magpie, H1971, MrDystopia(All of whom I've met before) and Renrutt (Good to meet you buddy) hit the road to visit 3 sites, this was the 2nd hit of the day.

I've done a few mills but this for me was the best one, I got suckered in by the machinery on the ground floor so didn't venture up to the rest of the mill really

As usual with my reports the pictures could be better but it was a cracking day and I'm happy with a few that I took and not wanting to the buck the trend I forgot to take exterior shots

History has been covered pretty well by others on here so I will leave it out and crack on with the photos








Still gettin to grips with the new camera but I think its a vast improvemant to some of my previous efforts

Thanks for looking :)