Visited here in January with Pincheck and Cuban Bloodhound.
I think taht everything that could go wrong, did go wrong with equipment that night. One broken torch and one broken tripod, this meant I was left with a red led maglite! Not the best for taking photos, seemed to have totally forgot about the head torch that I had with me.
Bangour, although over done by some standards, in my opinion is one of the best places to explore (I have only been up twice though). I think the fact that it is set out like a village adds to the experience as you are constantly in and out of the cold whilst travelling between buildings.
Security having an active presence on site also adds to the atmosphere...and fun.
Apologies for the red tint on most of the photos.
I think taht everything that could go wrong, did go wrong with equipment that night. One broken torch and one broken tripod, this meant I was left with a red led maglite! Not the best for taking photos, seemed to have totally forgot about the head torch that I had with me.
Bangour, although over done by some standards, in my opinion is one of the best places to explore (I have only been up twice though). I think the fact that it is set out like a village adds to the experience as you are constantly in and out of the cold whilst travelling between buildings.
Security having an active presence on site also adds to the atmosphere...and fun.
Apologies for the red tint on most of the photos.
I found it very difficult to photograph anything in here due to maximum 30s exposure. Ta to Pincheck for getting me on the roof
Rehab Workshop
The Cock
Masses of paperwork. They sure did like their slabs...
Two of these safes lay within the basement level, the room had been trashed in an attempt to get to them:
Powers Still on
Police Training again any more and it'll end up like Law.
I found it very difficult to photograph anything in here due to maximum 30s exposure. Ta to Pincheck for getting me on the roof
Rehab Workshop
The Cock
Masses of paperwork. They sure did like their slabs...
Two of these safes lay within the basement level, the room had been trashed in an attempt to get to them:
Powers Still on
Police Training again any more and it'll end up like Law.