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Bedworth abandoned sewage works, Warwickshire.

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Eagle eyed intrepid sage lorry driver URBULON has spotted the following from the M6 Southbound at Chorley Services, tanks all dry, filter beds overgrown with grass, no vehicles present: must be vacated long ago. Does anyone in the area know why? Worth a visit, please visit as I am too fat and old to do so myself. It is labelled WORKS on the map.




28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
okay so i know this post was from 2021 but i thought id take a look. the gate at the beginning of the road that leads to the site was trashed. someone obviously fly tipped and had a lot of rubbish. there was a document attached to the gate that stated Severn Trent are looking who owns this land dated November 2023. As we approached the main gate we instantly knew it was in use. several lights on inside and sound of water running. we still tried to enter and walked through a lot of woods. we never managed to access the site and ended up back at the main gate. we tried to get someone’s attention on the site by flashing our torches at the lights in the cabins. we heard a door open or close but no one came out. we wanted to grab their attention to get some information on why Severn Trent want this land and why the owner hasn’t accepted or whatever. (just a curious person. i’m fully aware they have no obligation to tell me) Having no luck we walked back to the gate at the top of the road and took another look at the document. Stupidity we didn’t lift it up and check the page behind. there was a yellow section highlighted. (the field at the back of the site) Severn Trent owned this site the whole time and just wanted to expand with the field behind. I assume the satellite image you have here was taken when the site was vacant but on google maps the satellite has updated and two vans are seen towards the right of the site. i forgot to mention the big rectangle i assume was a building, correct me if im wrong. however, peeking through the gate i saw no building. Its possible Severn Trent claimed this land recently hense why the document about wanting to expand to the field behind was dated from November last year. Regardless thank you for sharing this you gave me a good adventure. ps. i really hope you see this lmao.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When I read chorley in this thread the first time around I thought the OP meant Chorley, Lancashire, now I realize they mean Corley in the midlands. ta for the 2024 update kzy.

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