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Report - - Beech Quarry, Staffordshire, 2016 | Underground Sites |

Report - Beech Quarry, Staffordshire, 2016

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Regular User
Photos from a visit a few years ago when killing some time between meetings. If visiting other nearby places is probably worth a short detour.
Right next to a minor road and walk in access to all the main parts.
There is a separate part as well but I made no attempt to look at that...belly crawl thorough disposable nappies and no visible sign it opened up

It is quarried but as it is generally called 'Beech caves' by most people I have placed it in the normal underground section (mods please move if this isn't acceptable)

Pillar and stall sandstone quarry dating from around 1663 when there are references stating the stone was transported to Trentham Hall.
There was also some open quarrying at the opposite side of the minor road
This and records a few years later suggest the stone was used in construction of the 'new' hall.
After that there are almost no records of the quarry and it doesn't appear on the tythe appointments in the mid 1800s
It is shown on the first and subsequent Ordnance Survey maps of the area and by 1924 has become known as Beech Caves.
During WW2 the caves were used by the Home Guard to store munitions though some reports of this claim it was for storage of munitions from Swynnerton.
The underground area is on five levels but these are more by way of steps and don't equate to a single standard gallery level.
Very little to see except litter but some kids I met were keen to point out it's used by witches and there is a pentagram painted on the floor.
No sign of witches on the day I called in unfortunately.
Plenty of grafiti for those who like that sort of thing.

Phone pano from the wooded side. The minor road is to the right of the face. The partially bricked window top left opens to a narrower window on the inside.






Could be a fun place for some light painting one day.


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Not seen this before. Decent shots. Is that soot damage to the roof do you think?


Regular User
Lots of evidence of people having fires in there.......maybe trying to burn the witches ;-)

Mr Sam

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I literally thought it was just called the Rave Caves, might be able to find it again now i know the name!

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