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Report - - Beerseba Independent Chapel aka Dead Sheep Chapel, Wales - May 2023 | Other Sites |

Report - Beerseba Independent Chapel aka Dead Sheep Chapel, Wales - May 2023

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28DL Regular User
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This is a place me and @JakeV50 had seen pictures of in the past so we decided to visit as part of our Wales trip back in May.

Information & History
This lovely rural chapel is marked on OS 2nd Edition Maps as Capel Beer-seba and is an example of many chapels in Wales that were built as part of the Welsh Congregational Independents. Many of these Chapels were built in both urban and rural areas varying in size.

This particular chapel was originally constructed in 1805 and was later rebuilt in 1843. It is an example of Vernacular architecture which in simple terms is a building constructed of local materials. The chapel was thought to have become derelict at some point in 2002 and thankfully, it has avoided any signs of vandalism mainly due to its remote location.

The chapel consists of the main room of worship with a beautiful organ and many of the remaining features are intact. To the rear there is a small two-story building attached with some sheep bones scattered across the floor, hence its nickname 'Dead Sheep Chapel'.

The Explore
There is some lovely natural decay here and I really enjoyed photographing this little place. Unfortunately, there are no proper parking opportunities for a good mile or so we opted for the ‘dump it on the side of the road’ method. Not ideal as it is on an A-road but the car was still in one piece upon our return. I also completely forgot to get some closer shots of the sheep bones.

Anyway, onto the photos:



The Chapel in December 2002, shortly after its closure:



Considering it has laid derelict for over two decades it has fared pretty well.



The old organ:




An overview shot, I liked the old hanging light fixtures and the decay on the walls. It's a shame some of the pews are looking a bit worse for wear now though.





Some peel in the building out the back:



Plaque on the external wall on one side:



Thanks for looking!
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
It's a lovely little chapel and you captured it well. I remember going here about eight years ago and it don't look like it's changed much at all.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
It's a lovely little chapel and you captured it well. I remember going here about eight years ago and it don't look like it's changed much at all.
Thanks mate, yeah it doesn't seem to change very much at all. I was surprised by how much I liked this little place.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I bet there is. Had this place pinned for a while but just not got over to this corner of Wales.
Hopefully you get there soon, it is really worth seeing!

Awesome photos. Glad we done this one.
Thanks, yeah it was a good suggestion to stop by here, even though it was a bit more out the way.

It's a lovely little place isn't it! Really enjoyed this one when I went. Great pics!
Really nice. Welsh chapels are always a gem.
Thanks both, it's only a little place but has lots of character.

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