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Report - - Belgium bunker - Nov 2020 | European and International Sites |

Report - Belgium bunker - Nov 2020

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Charlie Tango

28DL Member
28DL Member
With Covid-19 having killed anything Chernobyl related for most of this year, I have had the chance to get out and do some exploring for the first time in ages!

This bunker is located on the corner of an airport, and you can walk straight in. It's small but interesting. Watch out for the barbed wire in the hallway.

The only information I can find is that it was used during the Cold War to treat pilots.






O high
Staff member
Looks good that :)

Was going to say - must have been a bit of a different year for you this one!

Charlie Tango

28DL Member
28DL Member
Looks good that :)

Was going to say - must have been a bit of a different year for you this one!

Mate it has been totally mental. Ukraine has no furlough scheme or anything so everyone had to go and find another job, when things started improving and trips to the zone started again it was looking good for a month or two, and now we are back to square one with Europe in lockdown and Ukraine in it's rather bizarre "weekend lockdowns".

I'm in the UK now until at least the end of next month so I'll see if I can find anything worth exploring while I'm here :)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice 1st report. Shame there isnt much history to it, but the theme is self explanatory.
Sounds like your having a rough time. The photos are great though. I hope the memorial gets the repairs it needs.