So, on a ridiculously wet afternoon we decided to get out of the flat and go exploring..not the first time I've done this but this was the first one which took a bit of creativity to get into the general site area...this involved fights with prickly shrubbery and a homemade bridge over a stream
The 58-acre brewery was built in 1979, but Scottish and Newcastle closed its Berkshire Brewery this year which mainly produced Foster’s and Kronenbourg 1664.
Last November S&N closed bottling facilities at the site and transfered three million hectolitres of production to Coors Brewers.
We got in and went straight into the main fermentation area. We worked our way through the huge mainline and went into some of the different's my pics taken from my iphone - turns out my digital camera had run out of batteries - so I'm sorry for the poor quality.
It was all going so well..we went through coridors, up a few flight of stairs and looked out of the windows at the amazing buildings..then we turned a corner and I spotted 3 workmen so we immediately legged it out of there as fast as possible. Scaredy cat and drowned rat, me?
The 58-acre brewery was built in 1979, but Scottish and Newcastle closed its Berkshire Brewery this year which mainly produced Foster’s and Kronenbourg 1664.
Last November S&N closed bottling facilities at the site and transfered three million hectolitres of production to Coors Brewers.
We got in and went straight into the main fermentation area. We worked our way through the huge mainline and went into some of the different's my pics taken from my iphone - turns out my digital camera had run out of batteries - so I'm sorry for the poor quality.
It was all going so well..we went through coridors, up a few flight of stairs and looked out of the windows at the amazing buildings..then we turned a corner and I spotted 3 workmen so we immediately legged it out of there as fast as possible. Scaredy cat and drowned rat, me?
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