I have been laid up from exploring recently due to having my leg in plaster. This TBH has been a pain in the arse as it left me largely housebound and unable to drive 
Anyhow, While I was sitting around bored i got a call off mortaldecay "are you about on Saturday next week?" Me "errrrrr i should be as i get my plaster off on Monday!" MD "cool, siologen and loops are coming up from London to do blood creek if you fancy it!"
So it was set, I was going to stoke :crazy
We met Sio and loops near the outfall and exchanged pleasantries, and after some car related chat (anyone that knows Sio's car and my love of all things vauxhall will know why!!) we were off to the infall.
Bloodcreek is an underground river that crosses stoke and is called the cockster brook. its mainly a modern construction of concrete and corrugated iron that is walkable right up to a large processing unit, further exploration from here is prevented by a monster waterslide that's around 10 feet high!!
I didnt take many pics, as i was having an I cant be arsed with pics night!!
Thanks to mortal decay for playing the host, and to Sio and loops for a good night, cheers chaps!!
Anyhow, While I was sitting around bored i got a call off mortaldecay "are you about on Saturday next week?" Me "errrrrr i should be as i get my plaster off on Monday!" MD "cool, siologen and loops are coming up from London to do blood creek if you fancy it!"
So it was set, I was going to stoke :crazy
We met Sio and loops near the outfall and exchanged pleasantries, and after some car related chat (anyone that knows Sio's car and my love of all things vauxhall will know why!!) we were off to the infall.
Bloodcreek is an underground river that crosses stoke and is called the cockster brook. its mainly a modern construction of concrete and corrugated iron that is walkable right up to a large processing unit, further exploration from here is prevented by a monster waterslide that's around 10 feet high!!
I didnt take many pics, as i was having an I cant be arsed with pics night!!
Thanks to mortal decay for playing the host, and to Sio and loops for a good night, cheers chaps!!