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Report - Bradwell 132kv Substation - Essex - Sept 2019

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Sorry for the late post on this one! Id totally forgotten about it.

Paid a quick visit here at the end of the summer after hearing that the decommissioning of the power station just over the road had reached the 'care and maintenance' stage. Now i cant say for sure but i think the substation itself has never been a designated nuclear site so dodgy trespass rules dont technically apply, that didn't stop it feeling a little bit naughty tho! The reactors are now cocooned in white cladded boxes but there did still seem to be some activity on the site with several cars and vans coming and going while i was there, quite similar to Berkeley just without the footpath excuse i guess! In all honesty tho apart from the Magnox sign on the drive i hardly noticed to power station. The overgrowth provides plenty of cover and theres plenty of that! Bradwell shut down in 2002 and as its so utterly remote i guess there was no reason to keep the high voltage connection operating so the entire substation has had its wires cut, copper items removed and seems like they just shut the gates one day and have let it go back to nature!

I started out mooching around outside but soon gravitated towards the central hub of the site. A group of buildings in the centre of the sub consisted mainly of backup generators, compressors, maintenance workshop and even a sort of 'control room' (although it might be a bit of a stretch referring to it as that it did have opaline lights!). I found the whole experience pretty interesting really, you just dont get to explore one of these beasts without killing yourself usually so finding this sitting here in such a great state of natural decay was pretty mint.


















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Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Loving this, the Dengie is a wicked place. Something very Chernobyl-sarchophagus about the disused entombed power station dominating the marshy landscape. Driven by this substation many times and always thought it looked a bit worse for wear.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I went back last year and they had been in and cut the vegetation down in there so it is still somewhat looked after but not very well as it was still possible to get in the compound and the 'control room' had been smashed wide open since my first trip.

Also realised its perfectly OK to just drive down to the end of the road and park in the carpark there now. First trip I parked miles away and yomped in across the airfield to no arouse suspicion... completely unessaciary!!


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
I went back last year and they had been in and cut the vegetation down in there so it is still somewhat looked after but not very well as it was still possible to get in the compound and the 'control room' had been smashed wide open since my first trip.

Also realised its perfectly OK to just drive down to the end of the road and park in the carpark there now. First trip I parked miles away and yomped in across the airfield to no arouse suspicion... completely unessaciary!!
Ah well good job you got some shots of it when it was in this condition. I did think it looked a bit unvegetated on Google maps, I seem to remember thinking it looked cool whilst it was overgrown and your pics confirm it.

Haha that's funny, it's a great area to explore and a bit of a strange end of the line place, but Ive grown up on the Essex marshes so it's a vibe I can get behind. Lots of overlooked history for sure.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
As I've lifted this thread up now might as well share this picture of the nuclear power station I took in 2021. Does make you wonder what's encased inside.



I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Ah well good job you got some shots of it when it was in this condition. I did think it looked a bit unvegetated on Google maps, I seem to remember thinking it looked cool whilst it was overgrown and your pics confirm it.

Haha that's funny, it's a great area to explore and a bit of a strange end of the line place, but Ive grown up on the Essex marshes so it's a vibe I can get behind. Lots of overlooked history for sure.

The street view imagery on the road past it was taken in May this year and shows it filled with undergrowth again!