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Report - Bramcote Secondary School - Nottingham - October 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The Bramcote Secondary School

The history:

Bramcote school was the first school to be built on the Bramcote Hills Site.
In 1948 it opened as a Secondary Modern boys school named Bramcote Hills Boys School, and was previously a hospital in ww2.

Bramcote Park Comprehensive School became a Business and Enterprise school in 2004.
After receiving business status, it rebranded its image by announcing a new logo and identity, consisting of red, white and blue.

In 2007 the school became part of a three piece federation, named The White Hills Park Federation Trust under one executive headteacher.
The School was federated with neighbouring Bramcote Hills Sport & Community College and nearby Alderman White School.
After the complete closure of Bramcote Hills School in 2011, the school adopted their status as a specialist Sports College.

On the 1st of October 2012 the school converted to academy status, and rebranded from Bramcote Park Sports, Business & Enterprise School to 'The Bramcote School'.

In the summer of 2017, the school moved from its old site into buildings shared with Bramcote College Sixth Form, and began operating and branding under the name Bramcote College.

On the 16th September 2021, a fire broke out within the old school building. Investigations into the cause of the fire are currently on going.

The Explore:
Quite a different post from me since all I've posted here is tunnels, But I do enjoy my urbex just as much as being underground and schools and asylums are a personal favourite.
I haven't posted any because personally I don't feel my urbex photography is up to scratch for this site..
However it hasn't been posted since the fire so here goes.

We have had our eye on this for quite a while but being a police dog training ground it always seemed so well sealed. Unfortunately it's had a rather substantial fire in September which has made access easier but has ruined at least half of the school, gutted we didn't get in before the fire but I guess that's how it is sometimes, at least we got in before it's smashed to bits and tourbussed.
I've tried to avoid photoing the destroyed parts and focused on what's left.
Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Let's start off with the main entrance.

An outside shot from round the side of the school.

This is the main entrance reception area, and behind me is the main hall/stage.

This has got to be my favourite part of the explore. I do love a big school hall.
I guess it may have been known as the assembly hall.

This is a layout of the school, that main curved corridor running left to right and the smaller classrooms attached have all been destroyed in the fire.

So down the side of the main hall you have the canteen area

I must admit I loved the mask painting


So missing out the burnt corridor and heading to the next set of class rooms half way round the curved corridor we had the gymnasium, changing rooms and cloak rooms, I haven't pictured all this as a lot is trashed and unrecognisable, I did picture the gym though.


I couldn't resist having a little bounce on the trampolines :D

What school didn't have a Vaulting Horse

I'll also include this picture now as it's sports related.. This is a trophy from when the school first opened as the name engraved is the very first boys school name.

So heading to the very Eastern side of the school, you had woodwork, the labs, porrtery, metalwork and the stairs to some very repetative classrooms known as the lower years part of the school.
So these next photos are what we found throughout the classrooms.

Gas taps.

There was a fair few bunsen burners in the science block.

The periodic table.. Do I know any jokes about Sodium? NA :p

This is a lung experiment, and a bottle of chemicals that probably shouldn't be left lying around.

A Van De Graaf.

A Bromcom, we never had these when I was at school, was always an old style paper register although I do believe these were introduced before I left.. Guess my school was old fashioned.

The trays were still mostly full of equipment still.

This was by far my favourite subject, woodwork.. I got a B ;)

An old article we found in the staff part of the woodwork classroom.

Why do I always feel like somebody's watching me :D

Some more trays holding more equipment.

I don't know the need for this picture other than it brought back memory's of stacking chairs in the last lesson of the day.

Some paints from the art class, I loved when we got the paints out.

I've been informed this was a form room, this was situated upstairs in the lower years part of the school with lots of language classrooms.
Did Harry Potter have an 'A' on his jumper?
Maybe it's a relative we shall call him Aaron Potter :D

This was found under the stage in a room where I guess they prepare before heading up onto the stage.

One of only two fire pictures I shall post.

And the final picture is that main curved corridor. Well, what is left of it now I should say.

I realise it's a very picture heavy report but I've done my best to cover it well and choose a good selection because quite frankly I took double the amount of pictures that I'm allowed to post here.
The other classrooms ect were mainly empty aside from tables, chairs, workbooks and some old work on the walls.
Such a shame to see it this way but glad we got to see it none the less.
Hope you enjoyed :D

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
May be best moved to NP with other reports for this one.
You did well to get round that much though the alarms certainly work in here lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
May be best moved to NP with other reports for this one.
You did well to get round that much though the alarms certainly work in here lol
What's NP Bikin Glynn? I just posted in the 'other sites' because it had schools listed there and the other post of this was in there too, as I say first time posting a urbex so wasn't sure where it should go.
Havnt seen your post of this school tho I'll have a search :D.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
What's NP Bikin Glynn? I just posted in the 'other sites' because it had schools listed there and the other post of this was in there too, as I say first time posting a urbex so wasn't sure where it should go.
Havnt seen your post of this school tho I'll have a search :D.

Non Public is an area where generally better quality / riskier or unvandalized reports, this can only be accessed by certain members (white user names)
As @MotionlessMike states it dosent really matter now I wouldn't think, I didnt know it had had a fire till you posted this tbh


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Non Public is an area where generally better quality / riskier or unvandalized reports, this can only be accessed by certain members (white user names)
As @MotionlessMike states it dosent really matter now I wouldn't think, I didnt know it had had a fire till you posted this tbh
Ahh thankyou for explaining :D,
Yeah unfortunately had a fire last month.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
as usually happens, shame it is a nice place.
Still I thought it had been pulled down since my visit, Im not exactly up to speed on things lol
Yeah, would have been amazing to see it before the fire.. Just unfortunately never caught the timing right.
It was a dog training area so I guess that's the reason it hadn't been demo'd.
I'm almost certain it will be now, it's days are numbered.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The fire had ravaged most of this site, only noteworthy thing left is the three science classrooms with a lot of physics apparatus still there that high school me would've had too much fun with.

There was also plastic bits and cable shielding scattered around the site from all the copper wire stripping.

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