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Brand new to urban exploring

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Do you lot know any places in the surrey/hampshire area and up to an hour away to explore? I went to Westbury house care home this evening with a group of friends this evening and we loved it. Secuirty ended up calling the police and we escaped the police on foot and in the car. We would love to find more places to explore.


O high
Staff member
Not much of an intro thread if I’m being honest, more just asking for some location ideas! Tell us a bit more about yourself, what else you’ve done, why you do it etc etc. Not trying to be a knob, just that this section is meant for intro threads not questions :)


Queller of the uprising
Do you lot know any places in the surrey/hampshire area and up to an hour away to explore? I went to Westbury house care home this evening with a group of friends this evening and we loved it. Secuirty ended up calling the police and we escaped the police on foot and in the car. We would love to find more places to explore.

Welcome to the site!

Us lot know lots of places, but as Seffy said, locations aren’t just spoon fed to people, need to do some research yourself!

Have a read of the following link to help you get a feel of the site and how things work:

And have a read of this guide to help you posting a report should you wish to:

There’s tonnes out there, use the search box to your aid and you may even find something in your area!

I look forward to seeing some pictures and reports soon! Just shout if you have any questions! ✌🏻


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Best way to start is not getting chased by the police, been doing it years & never been involved with them at all, it just gives explorers a bad name & the police will soon get pissed off & come down harder on anyone they do catch.

Some top advice there.

Although the idea of an adrenaline fuelled chase may be inviting it is an easy way to escalate issues for you if you are then caught. The best advice if the police are present is to make yourself known to them without a fuss because at the end of the day if all you are up to is being a nosey explorer generally they will ask you a few questions, maybe search you and then you'll be on your way. By running away you send the message to them that you have something to hide or a reason you don't want to be caught.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Best way to start is not getting chased by the police, been doing it years & never been involved with them at all, it just gives explorers a bad name & the police will soon get pissed off & come down harder on anyone they do catch.
What @Bikin Glynn said. Best to avoid giving the Boys in Blue the runaround.