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Information - brantham bx plastic factory - 2021 update

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geography man

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I visited the site a couple of months ago in the hopes of having a look around only to find that it has been demolished to make way for what I think is yet another housing estate. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures when I was there but it is now a pile of rubble. This was a sad to discover but if you decide to visit what is left of it, don't get your hopes up. At the time of writing this I doubt there is anything left. The factories were built in 1887 and were abandoned in 2007 and demolished in 2021.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I visited the site a couple of months ago in the hopes of having a look around only to find that it has been demolished to make way for what I think is yet another housing estate. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures when I was there but it is now a pile of rubble. This was a sad to discover but if you decide to visit what is left of it, don't get your hopes up. At the time of writing this I doubt there is anything left. The factories were built in 1887 and were abandoned in 2007 and demolished in 2021.

It's been gone a few years now, at least three.

There are other parts left on the other side of the estate, the ICI Imagedata plant is still, to my knowledge, tucked behind a load of active stuff.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Unfortunately BX is long gone, not sure how much ICI stuff is still left these days, may swing down there as live fairly close.


28DL Member
28DL Member
It's been gone a few years now, at least three.

There are other parts left on the other side of the estate, the ICI Imagedata plant is still, to my knowledge, tucked behind a load of active stuff.
This building has now been demolished, active stuff is still active I believe.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
This building has now been demolished, active stuff is still active I believe.

Interesting, I wonder why they did that as given where it was on the site there is no scope for building anything there except other parts of the current ITW plant.

If you're able to get some kind of confirmation I'd be interested in seeing it!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
All of the abandoned stuff is now rubble, minus a tiny section of one of the buildings. All of the surrounding parts which are currently in use remain still standing, it's unclear what's going to happen to those because although they're in use, they're also part of the original factories and it seems somewhat unlikely they're gonna put a housing development in the middle of an active factory area. The surrounding areas have all been fenced off as well, so it's no longer accessible unfortunately. Such a shame it's gone, was a fair bit of history there.

I've attached a couple of images, I can only apologise about the quality. Didn't take my camera with me as I was simply passing by, wasn't expecting to be taking any photos.



I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Ahh man! That's sad, I liked the Imagedata plant it was very underrated considering how fucked the BX factory was.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It is indeed sad. There's some parts of the factory estate left though, for how much longer I'm not sure. The remaining parts are still in use, but given that there's soon to be houses right next to them, I would imagine they're probably soon to be demolished as well. Though they may be interesting to us, I think it's safe to say they're fairly unsightly to most who are going to want to move into one of the new houses which are to be build right next to them. I do have photos, but unfortunately the site isn't letting me upload them.

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