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Report - - Bridon Wire, Ambergate, Derbyshire, March 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Bridon Wire, Ambergate, Derbyshire, March 2019

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1. The History
Originally the wire manufacturing facilities were set up by Richard Johnson & Nephew in 1876 and at its peak the factory employed over 500 people. They specialised in telegraph wires, fencing and suspension cables and famously put in a tender for the suspension wires for the Brooklyn Bridge. J&N produced the telegraph cables laid underneath the English Channel during World War II. Typically, suspension wires were made from steel, due to its tensile strength, and for telegraphy wires copper was used due to its higher conductivity.

It was acquired in 1990 by Bridon and became "Bridon Ropes, Johnson & Nephew Wire Works Ltd" until wire-making ended in 1996. Bridon continued to use its Ambergate site as a storage and distribution centre until it was fully closed down around 1990.

The site is split by the River Derwent, and parts of it are still in use, for example the eastern part. It was bought from Bridon by the Lichfield Group in 2001, which then set up a plastic extrusion factory. The western part is mostly derelict, and the factories are very extensive and cover a large area. In the past the factories have been accessible hence the glut of reports around 2008 and 2009. The site has been accessible on and off, however, the main factories including the wire-spinning shed and the lead bath/tempering facility are now sealed. Security have upped their game in terms of securing the place since 2017 when Jack Strickland, 19, of Sutton, Nottinghamshire, fell at least 10ft from the roof and later died at hospital.

2. The Explore
More of a wander to be honest. Not the main attraction here (that was Oakhurst house) but as we were passing through so rude not to have a shufty. When I last visited here just under four years ago were pushed for time so was hoping to give this place a good looksee. However, things have changed and now the two biggest factory buildings are sealed tight as are the former labs the other side of the path. Anyhow – plenty to go at externally and the odd peep hole meant I could get enough pictures together to make a report.

3. The Pictures

img0056 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0057 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0058 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0059 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0060bw by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0076 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0079 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0081 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0148 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0149 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0152 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0154 by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0155bw by HughieDW, on Flickr

img0063 by HughieDW, on Flickr

Ambergate 01 by HughieDW, on Flickr

Ambergate 02 by HughieDW, on Flickr

Ambergate 04 by HughieDW, on Flickr
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