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Report - - Bromborough Central Power Station - Wirral, Merseyside - 9th of May 2022. | UK Power Stations |

Report - Bromborough Central Power Station - Wirral, Merseyside - 9th of May 2022.

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Liverpool Area 28DL Explorer.
28DL Full Member
After not being able to find an easy entrance at the front gates of the site and due to some fella in a Mercedes having a kip at the gates i decided to get in via the Mersey. I got onto the banks of the river further down and walked my way up to the power station, clambering over sewage overflow pipes spouting out of the industrial wasteland above me, stepping over dead rats and slipping on wet clay (didn't fall haha) this route is defiantly not recommended on exiting i discovered a much easier entrance but due to Urbex laws I cant tell any of yous where that might be (find it on your own).
Any ways before I ramble on here is some history and the such...
Central power station was built by Lever Brothers in 1918 to supply electricity for their manufacturing processes at Port Sunlight works. It initially comprised:

The station was adjacent to the River Mersey which provided water for the condensing plant. In 1929 electricity was installed in the houses of Port Sunlight Village.
In the early 1930 the Central Power Station was expanded with three coal-fired boilers and a 6.25 MW generating set. The station then had a rated capacity of 11.5 MW.
In the 1950s a connection to the National Grid was installed. When local demand was high electricity could be imported from the grid, and conversely could be fed into the grid when local demand was low.
Some of the Unilever manufacturing processes required steam. A 1.3 MW British Thomson-Houston back-pressure generator was installed at the Central Station. This comprised a steam turbine fed with steam at 230 psi (15.9 bar) from the existing boilers. The expanding steam drove an alternator and discharged steam at 50 psi (3.4 bar), which was used in the works processes.
In the 1970s the oldest three boilers were decommissioned and part of the boiler house was demolished. The generating plant was decommissioned in 1998 and most of the site was demolished, the 11 kV control room block was retained until new electricity supplies from the National Grid were installed.


resized image Original was 8384x4192 this is 4000x2000
360 Image of the control room the entrance was a long metal staircase though the doorway on the left of the image.

I don't know the function of this room but the room has somewhat collapsed one was is covered with what I think is burnt insulation and thin rusty Sheetmetal coats the floor

Same room I really like the graffiti at the entrance of this room its cool. IK many explorers hate graffiti and think it ruins the place personally I think some graffiti looks proper heavy if done right and not writting that says 'Dan is gay' or whatever. BTW the weird blur thing is me I'm using photoshop.

One of the many pump rooms located around the site.

Located at the bottom of this one room was an open pipe inside lay 100s of Lucozade sport and LSV bottles as well as some bobby needles swimming in toxic Mersey water the pipe is the slightly bigger than a person stood making it a horrible fate if you were to fall down it.

The same artist as earlier I like the tear drops. I don't know but I think this could of been an old welding booth as there was a pipe with multiple input thingies (technical term) running along the wall it was on (I think for ventilating welding gasses.).


Thank googles Night sight for the pics above in real life this room is pitch black and flash wasn't used for any of the 3 pics above for urban exploration google phone really hold up! (not sponsored btw)

Image of the control room I made in photoshop for my profile picture.

Than you for you time hope this was interesting/informative please leave a comment bellow I'm also looking for more places to explore within Merseyside area so if anyone has anything to share then please message me!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice 1st report & welcome.
But as above don't use exact date for your protection; if anything happens, ie fire. You put yourself at the scene. Just a mth & yr is suffice.

Anyway happy exploring and a big welcome


Liverpool Area 28DL Explorer.
28DL Full Member
Nice 1st report & welcome.
But as above don't use exact date for your protection; if anything happens, ie fire. You put yourself at the scene. Just a mth & yr is suffice.

Anyway happy exploring and a big welcome
Nice report, but best lose the exact date in the title...
Okay thank you for the advice next time i will not put the exact date of the explore also thanks for the support.


Liverpool Area 28DL Explorer.
28DL Full Member
Nice first report. But "urbex laws"??
Yeah just not to give away the exact location of the site or the way in because of vandals and such. Some ppl with bad intentions might not be bothered to put in the effort to find the site/entrance. obviously the terms a bit satire though ahaha

Liverpool Urbex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haven't seen this place in years!! Didn't know it was still around. I remember when I visited years back I accessed via the side of the Mersey too.


Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
I wasn't expecting much, and you've blown that away! Great photos, great history, and I hope to see more of your stuff soon! :thumb


Liverpool Area 28DL Explorer.
28DL Full Member
Haven't seen this place in years!! Didn't know it was still around. I remember when I visited years back I accessed via the side of the Mersey too.
yeah its still there ahaha and yeah looks like im not the only one to suffer the Mersey route

Redavni Ecaps

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wow not been here for years, that pipe in your photo used to be empty and seemed like it went down for about a mile.

Also the dark room stunk of very strong garlic when I was last there around 2012

Did you manage to enter the room opposite the main gates at all?

Liverpool Urbex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wow not been here for years, that pipe in your photo used to be empty and seemed like it went down for about a mile.

Also the dark room stunk of very strong garlic when I was last there around 2012

Did you manage to enter the room opposite the main gates at all?
I remember it smelling of garlic back when I visited too


Liverpool Area 28DL Explorer.
28DL Full Member
Wow not been here for years, that pipe in your photo used to be empty and seemed like it went down for about a mile.

Also the dark room stunk of very strong garlic when I was last there around 2012

Did you manage to enter the room opposite the main gates at all?
i find it interesting the comment about the pipe i assumed that the pipe made a 90 degree turn under where the water was and maybe headed towards the Mersey as a pipe a similar size come out round there but if you couldn't see the bottom when it wasn't full of water then that's abit odd.

and I'm not sure what building you on about but i went into all buildings. is it by any chance the building with the blue engine and newish looking electronic cabinet inside?

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