I have driven down this road many times and never realised there was a chapel here. Facing right on the main road you would think it would be easily spotted. But it looks like some has had a go at clearing the ivy from the building and cleared the area. This is a tiny chapel and just a shell remains with it being overgrown. But it was lovely to see the old mural still intact and in good condition on the wall. It was built 1886 after the local congregation were no longer allowed to use the house they met in anymore. Money was raised to build the chapel and on the 13th of June 1886 a crowd gathered for the laying of the memorial stones. The church was completed quickly, built with bricks and a pantile roof, a small porch was at the front which was round headed. When it opened it had seventy seats, 20 were for free and the other fifty were available to rent. The person renting a chair would pay for a quarter, and this money would go to upkeep. Three services were held on a Sunday and one a Thursday evening, it even had its own choir. It's unclear when the chapel closed but it still had small services in the fifties. And then labelled as disused on maps in 1976.