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Question - - Brown's Folly Mine - July 2019 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Question - Brown's Folly Mine - July 2019

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David Heavey

28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey! George here (@SeekerGeorge on insta) First proper post, never really thought id post my own thread as i'm not one for doing write ups.. But here i am!

So i recently ventured down under at Brown's Folly.
Trying to explain where i was at this point is going to be hard as i couldn't really understand the map (Sorry!)
So while having a little walk/crawl around i found the well, while around that area i came to a dead end, but the blocked up wall had been built up with rocks AND cement (Not just rocks stacked like most of the areas)
But while at the wall, from the other side all i could hear was some sort of an engine or a generator running.. Baring in mind it was around 8/9pm So i really couldn't see it being any workers or why there would be workers down there in the first place, especially at that time....
I'm just curious as to what the sound could be if anyone has an idea?

May have posted in the wrong section so i apologise if so!
Hope someone can help because i'm so intrigued as to what it could be..
Thanks in advance! - George.
The Map/Survey for Browns Folly is very difficult to follow. Box Mine surveys written by the same group of people are much more straight forward. Don't worry about it. The sound you hear is the fan that controls the humidity in the MOD section of the Mine.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
The Map/Survey for Browns Folly is very difficult to follow. Box Mine surveys written by the same group of people are much more straight forward

It really isnt and suggesting that box is easier is just plain wrong.
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